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Position:Home>Philosophy> A question about karma, who decided what is bad and good?

Question: A question about karma, who decided what is bad and good!?
for example, sharon stone said that the human rights atrocities in china, maybe karma gave them the earthquake

what my question is, i know in our minds a earthquake is bad, but maybe in natures way a earth quake is not bad, perhaps it is natures way of keeping the population down
and like doing good things, who decided that giving your time to help people, some would think being nosey butting in!?
this is not what i think
for example, if you commit a crime, like forgery, maybe some people would say that peoplr who do this type of thing the karma would do somthing bad, so they go to prison, who decided that sending people to prison is a bad thing
surely punishment is really the way that the humans react to things, like some people might find a prison fine circumstances,
in their mind we as humans have almost programme to not want to go to prison, but when in our mind did this happen
i hope you know what i mean, like who determined what is good and what is bad
xxx viciWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the concept of karma is there to free you, not to bind you!. it says: when acting consciously and fully aware, you become free of the cause and effect cycle, the karmic debt level!.

every time we come to the earthplane we come with a certain karma, prarabdha karma, that we want to finish up!.
we have our sanchita karma, all our accumulated karma from all lifetimes, it is like a bank account!. let's say you have 1000 karmas on your bank account (sanchita karma)!.
then you take form, a body for this life and form it out of 10 karmas (prarabdha karma) then you want to work through them, in order to pay off your karma depts (sanchita karma)!.

most of the time we forget what we are here for, and we accumulate more and more karma, which means desires and samskaras, from other people!. we see someone else do something and we wanrt it too, we forget about what we wanted to work through and get distracted by other people's desires!. then, when we die, we haven't payed off our 10 prarabdha karma, but we have accumulated 4 more karmas (Akamiya karma)!. then we have, instead of 990 sanchita karmas, 1004 karmas, and quickly we take the next body!.
this process is like you have a credit card and you want to spend 2000 dollars in the city!. but on the way to the city you meet a friend and he has the idea to fly to new york for shopping!. then you take the credit card for the flight and you go shopping there, then you fly back, but you still want to go shoppping in your hmetown, so you take another credit and buy the things there as well!.

instead of buying what you had in mind, you followed the track of someone else, and took all your energy to follow his karma!. then more karma dept is accumulated!.

all the karmas are desires, all the samskaras, the engraved memories, conmprise of unfulfilled past desires, disappointments, suppressed emotions and thoughts!.
once we allow ourselves our feelings, our desires, following the natural current of working out our prarabdha karma, we get liberated!.

means, not judging ourselves, not even for the silliest and immoral desire - doesn't mean that we have to live it out, simply being aware that it is there and allowing it to be there!. all human beings have some secret hidden desires!. they are all ideas to make us happy!. we think, when i do this, or when i have this, then it will all be ok!.
enlightenment means enjoying the present moment fully, instead of longing and craving for some day in the future when everything will be fine!.
!.!.!.seeing that whenever a desire is fullfilled, the next desire is standing behind the door, promising, when this is fulfilled, then everything will be fine!. this is a never ending story!.
it will never be fine like this!.

we have this endless cycle of peak and valley experiences!.
once we are tired of this peak and valley experiences, once we know that it will always be the same, when mind is exhausted, when we simply long for peace and a never fading silence, then in surrendering, awakening from the dream, from the bondage of karma, happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The lesson to be learned in the idea of Karma is on a smaller and more personal level!. If you tend to lie, the Karmic effect is that people will not trust or like you!. To think an earthquake is caused by people's wickedness is the idea behind a vengeful God that sends floods, fire and brimstone to punish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

traditionally, karma is supposed to happen in ur next lifetime!. karma doesnt happen in ur same life time!. what u describe would more be compared to bad luck- even tho the bad luck was deserved!.

but now a days, everything is considered to be a result of bad karma!.!.!. but people forget that karma can be good or bad!.

and in traditional times, the gods decided what ur next life would b likeWww@QuestionHome@Com

karma is the result of the energys we put on there as a result of our thought and actions!. If you are putting out negitive things you will get back negitve things!. However just because the intent is good doesnt mean the results will be!. sry if this makes no sense it does to me thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

Karma is all the wrong and right things we do!.!.!.!. and we get good karma if we did good and bad things happens if we did wrong!.!.!. I actually know who I was in my last lifetime!.!.!.!. I did a few bad but more good than bad!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are 2 types of karma
short term karma - retribution - usually happens in present life!.
long term karma - what goes around come around - usually after next life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good and bad are both subjective!. Karma is neither good nor bad it just is!. What you put out you get back, period!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Karma might more accurately be thought of as the consequences of ones actions not as a "pay back" system but rather as reaping that which one has chosen, either consciously or unconsciously to do in thought, word and deed or has chosen not to do in regards to the same!.

In the law of karma, there is neither good nor bad as such are subjective judgments and hold no merit nor truth!. All thing are simply and only that which they are!. A tree is simly a tree, not a good tree or a bad tree and it does what a tree, as in that specific or particular tree does and nothing more!. This same example may be aplied to all that exist!.

As no thing is either good or bad, one now sees that all things being simply that which they are and only such, then they are seen as either being beneifical to ones self and to all others or not being beneficial to onese self and all others!.

One can view how this law of karma applies to all that exist and one can readily experience the same in his or her own life!.

Karma may manifest itself in this life time or, it may be manifest in a future life time!.

The universal energy from which all things have arisen in a cause and effect , interdependent relationship with all else does not judge nor does it condemn!. It , too, simply is that which it is and nothing more or less!.

All things occur in the cause effect relationship of arising in interdependence!.

Ms!. Stone may actually be a "good freind" of His Holiness, the XIV Dalia Lama ( this one does not know if such is true or not and will not judge or opine regarding the same) however, apparently she has not learned a great deal about the law of karma from him!.

As she herself has said, she spoke incorrectly having made a personal and very subjective comment based on her personal opinion which unfortunately casued harm to others and to herself in the loss of public opinion, revenue from her modeling and advertising and public embarassment!.

Karma, no!?

May it all be well with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sharon Stone of course does not understand Karma!.

Karma is a law that operates on the scale of an individual, not on the scale of countries or time periods!. And as far as right and wrong, good or bad are concerned, these are just concepts in the mind and are subjective, from the point of view of the person who sees the act, as you have obviously noticed!. But that has nothing to do with Karma!.

Karma means that for every act we commit and its result, we can expect to experience the opposite or already have!. In this sense there is no good or bad, just this and that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Karma is all about the impact of one's thoughts & actions on self an others!. If one does harm, it lowers the resonance of energy, and that resonance needs to be balanced by doing right!. If one does right/good, it elevates the resonance, creates a more positive energy field, thus "good" karma!. There are no "Karma Lords!." You, in conjunction with your Higher Self and Soul, will evaluate your thoughts & actions, determine where the resonance of energy needs to be elevated, and thus you decide to do a replay or take other action to give yourself a chance to "make things right," to learn from your mistakes, and to elevate the resonance!. Ultimate goal is to elevate the resonance to where you can become one with your Higher Self, Soul, and God/Goddess/AllThatIs!.

Punishment in law (fines, make restitution, prison) helps to alleviate some of the damage done to society as a whole, and in the case of restitution, helps alleviate some of the damage done to person(s) and their property, and helps prevent the person from doing more harm!. But it is not enough to clear all the karma!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey Vici

I could talk on this subject for hours, but i'll try to keep it short in saying that ultimately the best judge of 'Karmic outcome' is your own conscience, which is a shared theme with all sane human beings!.
Or to put it more simply, i believe that we all know the total sum of our lives upto the point we have lived, and that is what is in your 'Karmic bank'
As i have suggested to quite a few, i read an amazing book by an american author named Mary T Browne, it just had me laughing out loud in that the way she was able to demonstrate that people are aware of impending danger and still plunge in perilously thinking that there will be no consequence!.

Take care and be well

ps that's really weird as i read your question more fully and i posed the question ''was she unjustified in her comment''Www@QuestionHome@Com