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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever really thought about what nothing looks like? If you have What do

Question: Have you ever really thought about what nothing looks like!? If you have What do you think it looks like!?
Okay!.!. you can't say clear or black!.!. that is something!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The value of the dollar after the Bush administration!Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, we do not know everything about nothing yet!. On the other hand, we know that it has some attributes!. Every definition of "nothing" is assigning some attribute to it, therefore, it will cease to be "nothing" simply by being defined!. Thus, the basic concept of "nothing" should not even be a concept, and should not allow itself to be defined!. This "should and should not" that I am talking about, also disturbs the concept of nothingness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I have!. I have thought about what if everything in the world and everything in the universe (and other universes if there are more) were clear colored like glass!. No one really knows what clear looks like!.!. Clear is like a shape shifter who turns into your best thoughts, and is never itself because clear is what allows us to see what is not clear!. I would think that it would just be well!.!.!.!. I don't know because I have never seen what clear looks like!. I thought about your question to!.!.!.!. oh yeah and nothing looks like clear but no one knows what clear looks like therefor no one can know for sure what nothing looks like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't imagine or think of what nothing is!. If someone ask you what do you have in your hand, and your hand is empty, that is what nothing is!. I experience nothing when I cease to exist and then when I become aware of myself again and become conscious that I'm experiencing nothing I am no longer experiencing nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it doesn't look like anything!. it's nothing!. it has no look!. but, if you were on the edge of the universe looking through it at nothing!. you would see blackness!. black is not necessarily a thing!. color, or vision, is light reflecting off things that our eyes detect!. if you turn out all the lights and you're in a room with absolutely no light whatsover, that's completely lack of seeing anything, and that's nothing, nothing to see!. blackness!.

ther edoesn't exist "pockets" of nothing in the universe!. the only way you can look at nothing is to look outside the universe!. everything in the universe is something!. energy!. but some of it has no look just like nothing, so invisible, but and infinity of invisible i would say "is" black or looks black i guess!.

but you just got me wondering something else, because i was going to say, like having no eyes, but does having no eyes look like blackness!? i don't know because nothing is looking!. now i'm confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, we call Black a color for the sake of convienience, but it isn't really a color, it is the complete lack of color!. It is the lack of light!. It is nothing!.

To say black is something is a semantics game!.

When we make sure nothing (i!.e!. no light) enters the eyes, we say we see black, but again, this is just a verbal convienence!. Saying we 'see' black is just another way of saying we don't see anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to me, nothing is whats inside my head when im thinking!? does that make sense!? as in, im thinking!.!.!.but!.!.!.not necessarily SEEING something!. but theres something there!. like, nothing is something!.!.!.but its not a thing!. haha!. if that makes any sense to you at allWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's not that it doesn't look like anything, but that it CAN'T look like anything!.

That being said, I still picture a barren tundra!.

This reminds me of "The Mouse and His Child" wondering what infinity looks like!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a fabulous zen meditation question!. Completely unanswerable, the mind just stops in it's tracks thinking about it!. Suddenly I discovere I am nothing!.


i would not be able to descibe it because it is nothing, and everything i am aware of or have thought about is automatically something!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you look out the window and see nothing
If you listen carefully and hear nothing
If you feel nothing
Smell nothing
Taste nothing

Why does it take up so much space to say nothing !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing= cessation of existence, hence no empirical knowledge!. Nothing cannot have a "look"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing is non-existent therefore it does not have form so a description is not possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing can not look like anything!.!.!.!. therefore it must be invisible!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nothing!. nothing looks like nothing!. what else do you have in mind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com