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Position:Home>Philosophy> I myself am a christian.. and i'm not trying to say anything bad about god!!

Question: I myself am a christian!.!. and i'm not trying to say anything bad about god!! I love god !!?
have you ever wounderd something about god!! my question is if god made adam and eve! And we came from adam and eve!.!. who!? made god!.!.!? and who made gods god!.!. ect father!.!. how can something make something!.!. something had to make that somethings"" Somethig!.!.!. how can it just start from something!.!. who made that something something !.!. it's a toung tier"" I't hurt to think of that something alone!.!. a little dizzy now!.!.!. and agian props' to god!!! you're the man!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
,Breath deep and know God !.!.!.!.!.!. that which is part of all things, is god!. That which we call God is not a man, not father, not brother, \not husband, not he, not she!. God is that still silent piece of everything!., the point between the deep breath and the deep exhalation!. God is what we see behind the closed eyelid in flashes and symbols of perfect light!. We only need to be aware of the soft still presence of god to know that we are never alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Criteria for the Christian god, I'm sure you're aware:


He has to be all of these things in order to fit into the Christian belief system!.!.!.!.

The word Eternal, means without beginning or end!. You know Alpha AND Omega, at the same time!. God is outside of time as you understand it (causal time where one thing happens after and because of something)!. God exists, will always exist, and has always existed!. There is no creator of God, God is everything and all time!. How does he do this!? See Criteria number one!.

Ancient philosopher giving a speech at the Parthenon, an audience member asks a question:

Asker: I know that the world rests on Atlas' back, but what is Atlas standing on!?

Philosopher: On the back of a giant turtle!.

Asker: Oh!.!.!.!. But hang on a minute, what is the turtle standing on!?

Philosopher: My dear friend, it's turtles all the way down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, SLOW DOWN!. Second, putting exclamation marks all over the place only makes you sound like you're on speed or something!. Third, I would offer that the Bible is more of a road map to where you want to go than a book containing the secrets of the universe, at least that's what I've gotten out of it!. Fourth, lastly concept such as infinity, eternity, existence, creation, etc!. are beyond what human minds are able to comprehend or can be taken and understood in such a multitude of ways that you could never find the answer for as long as you may try!. Believe me, smarter people than you or I have tried to find answers to many great mysteries of the universe and not gotten much farther if any than this conversation!. Rest your mind and try to drop these topics from it, or you may waltz one too many circles in your brain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of atheists will argue that the universe came into existence spontaneously!. Others will argue that is always existed!. Either way, it either had a cause or it didnt!. Why cant we extend the same logic to God!?

One think I feel compelled to point out whenever logic is used in debates about Gods existence!.!.!.

God created physics, did he not!? Does physics apply to God!? I would bet 'no' is the general answer!. Why then must mans logic, or even an objective logic created by God, be used against God!? God is no more bound by logic than he is by gravity!. Its my belief that no amount of sound, valid logic can be used to deny or affirm God!. It is, after all, a part of Christian dogma that God created the world such that we can never truely know him except through faith!.

If youre interested!.!.!. go to my wikipedia user page about atheism!.
Its a list of fallacies that anti-theists use quite regularly!. I only recently created it!.!.!. it needs much work!.!.!. a few technical errors!.!.!. but each argument is an example of fallacy on the part of an atheist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

infinity is by technicality i think impossible for humans to understand, that is why we have faith!. if you could understand god, you would by definition be superhuman, or to some extent god Himself!. what has no beginning or end makes no sense to usWww@QuestionHome@Com

Apparently the idea of a universe that has no beginning is acceptable to scientists for that was the most accepted theory prior to the Big Bang theory!. If science can accept that about the universe, we should be able to accept it about God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I already asked this question here once a long time ago and I agree it does hurt If somthing comes from nothing than that nothing must be a very powerful somthing if you catch my drift!. also if somthing came from nothing than nothing must be somthing seein as how it has a definition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude!.!.put down the bong!.!.!.!.it's all sun worship!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are encountering one of the worst aspects of religion!.!.!.!.!.!. they indoctrinate people into feeling guilty about questioning ideas!. You can tell by the way you feel the need to constantly say that you are pro-God!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Noone should feel guilty for being intelligent, and for asking questions!. The really slick part is that when a religious person feels guilty for questioning god he/she feels as if the guilt is put their by god therefore reinforcing the whole religion!. It is really a genius trick, but it is only a trick!.

The whole thing really doesn't make sense!. Something obviously had to exist forever!.!.!.!.!. either God, or the universe itself!. Given that notion it is far more likely that the universe existed forever (albeit in another form) because we know the universe exists!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. we cannot say the same for an invisible man in the sky!.

Using the proposition that God exists because something had to create the universe is a poor argument because that same logic leads one to necessarily conclude that something had to create God and so on!. If however we just say that the universe must have always existed in some form (perhaps a continual space-time loop consisting of a big bang leading to a big crunch which then prompts a big bang so that space-time begins and ends in an infinte loop) then the illogical proposition is removed making for a stronger concept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com