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Position:Home>Philosophy> How did you know your life partner was the one?

Question: How did you know your life partner was the one!?
Or if you're single, describe the person you'd want to spend the rest of your life with :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i didn't know!.
i am with her now and have no plans of ever not being with her
i quit looking for any flaws in her
i quit caring if anyone else thought i was attractive
i quit caring if i had any other friends than her
i see her as a part of me
i see her as me
it has nothing to do with the idea of 'the one'
she could have been anyone
it has to do with youWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm single, but there's no such thing as "the one"!. There are good matches, average matches, and poor matches, dependent on each partner's preferences and personality!. Naturally, there probably is one person out there who is the best match, but since the world is too big, it's impossible to find that person!. Instead, it's better to be analytical of the relationship and to see whether it is a good match!. If so, the only question you then face is whether there is something better out there!. Each person in a serious relationship must decide for themselves whether to embrace it or reject it in the hopes of something better!.

We make these decisions based on our own experiences and characters, therefore, the method of each person to distinguish the quality of his relationship will vary from person to person!.

One possible solution that could work for many people would be to ask yourself what you want in marriage, what has actually worked for yourself in the past, and what you expect for the future!. The experiences of others may or may not be helpful!. If your current relationship fits your expectations, then there's no reason to doubt its potential!.

Of course, then you'll marry that person!. After that happens, according to Murphy's Law and Randall Monroe, you'll find your true soulmate shortly thereafter!. The only problem is the pending divorce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a person who likes the same things or ideas i do, or that respects and tries to understand them, at least!.
a person who's intellectually equal to me, someone who likes doing sports(even better if that person likes doing the sames i do)!. someone who never cheat on me and last and most important!.!.!.someone who truly loves me for what i am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i was 16, i was deeply in love with my "soul mate"!. i knew he was the one because he was the one, it would be "negative" to doubt it, and you always need to think positive, so since i was in love with him, that made him the one!.
after being manipulated and abused for 4 years, my "love" wore off, i opened my eyes and moved on!. since then i read that "in love" feeling has been found by scientists to be a ffew chemicals where you are literally *addicted* to another person!. the catch is, this feeling only lasts 4 years! the love that lasts a life time is more friendship than "in-love" love!. "in-love" love is like alchohol, it dims your judgement!.

no i am 29 and i'm looking for the father of my children!. so while i like computer geeks, i know i can's marry someone who plays world of warcraft 50 hours a week because that's not a good dad!.
even as much as i'd like to play that game *with* a guy, once a baby comes along you need someone who will support you while you change a diaper -- like by making cooking something -- if not someone who helps changing diapers himself!. gamers don't do that, they just play games and won't help!. so right now i'm much more practical!.

i would tell a young person to look for their perfect guy, but if you don't find him, settle for someone who is better than being alone!. the trick is "who is better than being alone"!. an abuser or some ugly slob who is a big baby is worse than being alone!.
it's more important to find someone who treats you well and makes you happy and helps you -- than to be "in love"!. other than getting along and beign treated well, there is no "one"!.

tho you gotta discover that for yourself!. peopel who grow older without findign "the one" quit beliving in it, but people who find a great person when they are 19 don't have this problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She asked me to marry her and i did!. My point being that there are no soulmates and no people you are destined to be with, just hard work at making relationships work and self-deception!. Everyone is worthy of love, which is a reason for trying hard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't get rid of him because I didn't want to get rid of him and he was stuck in my life and I wanted it to be so!. One moment without him (I mean as single), would be horrifying to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never found a life partner, and I realize now I really wouldn't be comfortable with that!. However, I've had some great relationships with some great women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He loved me the way I am, and I him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com