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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do real life VAMPIRES drink blood?

Question: Do real life VAMPIRES drink blood!?
If so, how much per day!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tomato juice seasoned with tabasco and worcester sauce, fresh ground pepper and rock salt, hot and fiery on ice !.!.!. lol

Vampires are tragic and sad creatures of the night!. We are required to resist the urge to become one of their numberWww@QuestionHome@Com

If by "real life vampires" you are referring to the real life vampire bat, then yes, these small and unassuming mammals do drink blood!. They often drink the blood of animals such as cattle by making a small incision with their very sharp teeth and by lapping up the oozing blood with their tongues!. The cattle are unaware or unconcerned by these bats!. I have no idea how much but these animals are small so i would guess it would be much less than a cup!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vampires in real life are actually people with a disease called Porphyria!. They are sensitive to sunlight and so they tend to avoid it!. They don't feed on humans or anything because they are humans themselves!.

Centuries ago, people with Porphyria would drink blood, hoping that it would cure them!. But of course, it didn't!. So, I don't know how much blood they drank but it wasn't for food, that's for sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.Listen well my friend !.!.!.

When there is a small pit of darkness!.!.!.
There is light for someone who can see this!.
When there are growing flowers!.!.!.
There is always someone there to smell them!.!.!.
Even when you don't see him!.!.!.
And when a small boy cries in the middle of the night !.!.!.
The boy is the one with the key to the dreams!.!.!.
So finaly !.!.!. Life will show the way for the one who wants to know!.!.!. For real!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Real Vampires exist only in the movies and what looks like blood is probably Tomato Juice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes they drink about a glass a day, next to batmanWww@QuestionHome@Com