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Position:Home>Philosophy> What brings you "happiness"...?

Question: What brings you "happiness"!.!.!.!?
Is it love money life itself!.!.!.!? The little things that make up the big things!.!.!. You tell meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The little things make me happy!. But I suppose you could say it's the big things, too!.

My family makes me happy!.!.!. my love!.!.!. my friends!.!.!.

But the little things do, too!. Like a little bird singing, or the smell of rain, or a baby laughing!.

I think that ultimately, happiness springs from a person's perspective!. It's all dependent on the person's outlook on life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A nice bike ride of about 16 miles in the upper 70 degrees temperature low humidity on a paved bike trail!.

I normally have a 16 miles bike ride when I am at home!. I'm on vacation now and just returned from biking the Virginia Creeper Trail down from Whitetop Mountain to Demascus, VA, which is also about 16 miles!. It is in the western part of Virginia in the mountains but the trail is pretty much downhill for 16 miles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Connecting to others through some kind or loving interaction!. I don't think happiness ever happens in a vacuum!. It is about our relationships with others!. In that way, joy is multiplied and sorrow is divided!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace, emotional and financial stability, good health, and being around positive people that have goals and ambition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being left alone!. I took Voltaire seriously when he said "Tend your own garden!."

Who will entertain you when the circus has left town!.


helping other people and keeping my mind occupied with something other than waiting for some kind of disaster to find me! I'm not called ldestructo for nothing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a beautiful women who can cook and bring me a beer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com