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Position:Home>Philosophy> If there is a Heaven for every creed in which people have a consensus in their b

Question: If there is a Heaven for every creed in which people have a consensus in their beliefs !.!.!. then !.!.!.!?
do you think you'd be able to change your beliefs once you're there!? Do you think you could free your mind from that "Heaven"!? And in that same line of thinking, would Atheists be freer than non-atheists from the very beginning!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A man dies and goes to heaven!. An angel meets him at the gate and tells him to follow him to his assigned location!. As they're walking, the angel turns and says"shhhhhh! please be silent as we walk past this building with the privacy wall" The man asks why!? The angel tells him, "the jehovah's witnesses are in there and they think they're the only ones here - we don't want to spoil it for them ---- or the rest of us!. shhhhhh!" They walk some more and come to another building with a privacy wall around it - this time it's the baptists!. The next one is the catholics, the next the mormons, the next the muslims, and so on!. Finally they come to a clearing in the center of a forest with sunshine and grass and butterflies and flowers and a whole bunch of happy people setting up a picnic!. The man is befuddled and asks the angel "who are these people!?" "
"Oh! This is everyone else! Enjoy!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think the word "freer" is really describing it right!. I think everyone gets their morals and things from somewhere, for some it's their religion, for atheists it's other places!.

But to actually answer the question, if there is a heaven for every belief, why would you change your beliefs once you got there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that Heaven will be the same regardless of creed!. In that place and 'time' the truth will be revealed!. I believe an atheist will be in real trouble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is only one reality!.!.!.!.

there is only one truth!.!.!.

some of us have to be wrong!.!.!.!.

the question is who!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com