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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you survive the most trying times in your life?

Question: How do you survive the most trying times in your life!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You survive the most trying times in your life through prayer and meditation!. As you begin genuinely engaging in these two powerful technologies, you can actually start to feel a gentle layer of divine care and encouragement falling about your being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's hard actually and many times I have thought about giving up, but I just keep on thinking that things will get better because I know for a fact that after the rain comes the sun!. As much as I hate moments of anger and sadness and depression I am slowly getting used to the fact that life isn't always fun and games and there will be sad times in my life to come!. I just have to keep my head up and know that things will get better!. Now I try to enjoy my joyful times as much as possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well everyone has there own unique way of surviving life's hadest of times, but for me I just have my Dad and GrandMa, the only two most important people in my life! So I try my hardest to keep going on with all my might, so that I can see them happy (Because if their happy, i'm happy!!) I just try to think a bit more on the positive side of life and even when i'm kicked down, I dust myself off and walk the hard road again!!
also I put in my mind that if I give up on life, i'll let my two Loved one's down and become a coward to life itself!!
So I have to give my all and be strong for my Dad and GrandMa and show that I'm not afraid to face life!!
Hope you have a good way to face life too, my friend!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

surrender and give up everything and found out i was still alive!. what do i mean by everything!? not just all my money and processions, friends, family, but also my mind and body too; i care not for life, anything at all you want, it is giving up!. do you know that pain can be given up too!? kinda neat to find out if anybody stabs you with a knife you can chose to feel nothing! yes, i've given up senses and feelings too!. there is an end at the of the tunnel where even if you want to cry, the tear duct dried up already and, as crazy as it sounds, even if you want to feel suffering, there is no more!. after that, the unfathomable experience and realization occurred!. and i was still alive, 10 times more alive then ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have felt pretty miserable from time to time throughout my life, but I realize that the trying times that I've been through are a piece of cake compared to the woes of lots of other people!. I've never had my legs blown off, never been told I have terminal cancer, never been beaten and sodomized in foreign prison; ya know!? Whenever I feel like killing my self, I tell myself, "It could be worse!." and "Things will get better!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple!.!.!. just stick around the people that you love and care about!.!.!.no matter what you go through you know that there is somone by you!.!. so you are not really going through it alone!.!. also talk about what you going through !.!. you would be suprised how much just venting and talking to somone can help you through the most difficult of situations!.!. times are tough and everyone goes through it!.!. just remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel !.!. all you have to do is walk towards it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My life has been primarily composed of trying times!. So I have learned to expect difficulty and misfortune!. It has made me cynical and not a model of mental health, but I really don't know how to be any other way!. My life has taught me that the world is unfair and things don't usually work out for the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thinking that I'm lucky for those times, something good comes with it, I'll grow through them, and I get near God as my spirituality grows!. For this, positiveness is a most!. One day I was crying and I receive a message in my computer that says:

"Lloré porque no tenía zapatos!.!.!.!.
hasta que vi a un hombre que no tenía pies!."

" I was crying because I did not have shoes, 'till I saw a man that had NO feet!."

So, think about all the good things God had given to you and you'll see other things are peanut!. You're wonderful, just good things can happen to you!. Believe it and you'll see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when it comes to things like study ,work or something like this !.!. i just can survive
BUT when it comes to problems and hard times, i am realy bad in dealing with trying times!.
i always try to forget and get it out off my head whatever it takes, if i cant forget and still thinking about it that drives me crazy and make me do irresponsible thingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

go for walks by yourself, and try to hold onto a steady job if possible!. working, no matter how unimportant your job may seem, is one of the best ways to deal with life's problems!. when you have a job, you can be part of a team, have long term goals, and celebrate your successes!. walking by yourself (in a safe area of course) gives you time to think about what is stressing you while getting exercise, which will keep up your mood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was suffering a terrible shock, and I felt that my life was over, I put all of my emotions into a little ball!. I carried it in my pocket for more than a year!. When I was alone I would take it out and cry and cry!. When I put it back in my pocket, I stopped crying!.

I have had 3 different therapists tell me this device was stupid, (well they don't say stupid, they say "counter productive!.") I say phooey on them!. It got me through!.

A woman freind says that she is not so able to put her emotions "away" in her pocket as I was!. Women treat their emotions differently, she says!. So if this advice is not practicable for many women, I am sorry I don't know a good alternative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I pray and pray and try to keep busy and try to do things that make me feel better I try to keep faith and know that this to will pass but i have to pray and keep strong and remember that what don't kill us usually makes us stronger!. If you are going through this i wish you the best and pray that God helps you through it !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keep on keeping on!.
When you get those waves of thoughts-the "what ifs" and things like that-read a good book even if you've already read it-watch a movie-escape for a time, its ok!. Time does heal all wounds!. Two years ago I would of said "ya right" to that but it really does!. AND it will make you stronger!. Good luck, hope you are well tonightWww@QuestionHome@Com

It sure isn't easy that's for sure but you make yourself keep moving!. If you get knocked down, you have to get back and keep moving!. A positive attitude helps to!.!.!.unless you're like me and sometimes talk yourself out of stuff!. Who needs other people to hold you back when you do it yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keep a positive attitude and the larger view that it will all be worth be it in the end!. The more you struggle and push yourself to the limit, the more you define who you are!. Good luck, this is a trying and wonderful time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just try to remember that everything in this world happens for a specific reason, and good comes from bad vice versa!.!.!. I also create a playlist of songs that reflect memories, good and bad, of the times!.!.!. this helps me through everything!.!.!.


seriously!.!.i cry my heart out then decide that crying isnt getting anywhere so i go my friend and talk!.!.!.talking helps because it gets a load of my chest!.!.then somehow im able to think clearly!.!.then i try figure out how to get out of the situation or make the best of it!.!.

i know you are suppose to think positively but hey im only humanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Perserverance, acceptance, love, spirituality, remembering moments of joy and a positive attitude that the best is yet to come!. There is no magic answer!. It's up to you!. Attitude is everything!. Fake it, til you make it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By kneeling down, swallowing my pride and keeping a strong, patient and hopeful heart!.

Actually, those are the hardest yet the best things to do during trying times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try my best to understand that everything happens for a reason!.
also, for every 1 bad thing that happens to you, someday you'll get 2 way better things to happen to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm mainly inspired by the quote, ''Believe that you can deal with things as they evolve, because you can'' and I listen to my anthem, 'It's my life' by Bon Jovi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I contemplate on the vastness of the universe and realize what Humphrey Bogart did!. That is, the problems of two people don't amount to a hill of beans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i sit around locked in my room for a few hours listening to really intense music and praying!.!.for the most part!. sometimes ill text with one of my best friends about whats bugging me!. they always seem to help alot!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I keep a positive attitude and then I think of other people around the world who have worse problems than mine!. I also surround myself with people who are carring and are positive influences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think of the positive times in my life!. I also think about my family standing by me during these times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

think about the brighter side to each situation!.

and if there isn't a brighter side, i know it could always be worse; so i'm thankful for everything :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yoga for the body: transcending in meditation for the mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pot and alcohol!.

I speak from experience!. I haven't killed myself yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess for me if its a real stressful situation try to imagine that someone always has it worse! CheersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Remember this : "its always darkest before dawn"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I remeber that there is 2moro, andf that there is a futur I can't see, which is of great comfortWww@QuestionHome@Com