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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats the difference between pity, and compassion.?

Question: Whats the difference between pity, and compassion!.!?
How can I tell the difference between someone who feels sorry for someone, and someone who genuinely understands what that person is going through,

Do you think there is a specific look that people showWww@QuestionHome@Com

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The key distinction between pity and compassion is how the subject person views the object person!.!.!.!.!. if looks down upon, then it is pity!.!.!.!.!. and if views on equal terms, then it is compassion!. Consequently distinct behavior patterns can be identified!. This is something each one of us learns very early in life!.!.!.!.!. to identify how the other person is viewing us, whether on level terms or on a higher or at a lower level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually can tell by their actions!.

If they feel pity for me, they pat me on the back and say "every thing's going to be all right, just focus on the good", and change the subject!.

If they feel compassion, they look you in the eye, and stay with you, and talk!. And one way I can always tell if they feel compassion instead of pity!. When I'm talking to them, they sigh alot, and say nothing, just sit there and spend time with you, and talk about their problems too!.

If they feel pity, they may do the same things, but you can tell, because it almost feels like an obligation being there with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person walking on the road suddenly falls!.This will certainly arouse pity in the minds of people passing by!.They may say "Oh poor guy!"!. Thats pity!.
But if you are compassionate,you will approach that person,help him with a smile and may be help him in gather his things!.Thats compassion!.
Pity is just any other human feeling but it takes a great deal to be compassionate!.

Empathy is better than sympathy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the specific look can be deceiving since people react depending on how they were brought up IE; varies with cultures!. however compassionate people will affirm the way your feeling!. IE; sorry to hear that i bet that was really embarrassing, etc!. people who feel Petty are usually not honest!. for instance, i have cancer and may die in couple of years!. one piety respond would be: no, everything will be fine, you will be o!.k!.!. peaceWww@QuestionHome@Com

You are more likely to do something out of compassion because it makes you feel good and you want to do it, but pity is not something you are openly willing to do more like obligated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Compassion comes without any high-sounding advice!.!.!.!.!. advice if any is specific based on ground-level realities!. Pity is accompanied with a high-pedestal approach and hence comes with offer of pittance as help or with overbearing general advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com