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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it better to be proud of the history we come from or of the history we leave

Question: Is it better to be proud of the history we come from or of the history we leave behind!?
I know some people who treat patriotism like a responsibility to be satisfied, but I don't really see it that way!. I believe that satisfaction stagnates progress!. I see my sense of patriotism in my desire to improve the world I live in rather than pretending that since I'm doing OK for myself, change is unnecessary and I should just be happy!. Call me crazy, but that seems pretty selfish to me!.

What does patriotism mean to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree!. "The shadow of the past holds the future hostage!."
Remembering horrors of the past can serve a positive purpose, remembering them to prevent unwanted things from occurring again, but doing so can also be used as a tool to make people vengeful and hate filled, so that they might do things that will hinder progress!.

In general, I reject the idea of patriotism!. I think we'd do better to think of ourselves as humans rather than citizens of a nation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree totally!. It is very selfish for us to go about our lives when there are soo many problems in this world that will not fix them-selves!. They won’t even get fixed unless everyone starts to get involved!. I think in order to do that we need to take another look at history and see the mistakes that have been made in the past by other nations and stop making the same mistakes everyone else has!. Honestly I’m not very proud of the history before us because there are a lot of repeated mistakes!. That is slowly starting to show today!. As for what we are leaving behind!. I’m not sure if I want to be proud of that either for the same reason!. I believe there are some big changes that need to happen in this world before we start really going forward and make new history!. And that is was patriotism means to me!. Learning from past mistakes befor it's to late and changes things for the better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some define patriotism as being proud -- but honestly, I disagree with that!. Completely!.

To be proud of what others that came before us have done makes little sense to me!. I don't care to take credit for having been born to people that did great things!.

I'll be proud if *I* do great things!.

But being proud of others' great things!?

I'd rather be proud of *my* great accomplishments!.

Patriotism can mean what you wish it to -- but some forms of patriotism are worth it, more than others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I think about being connected to some group I have a hard time thinking in terms of my country!. I think of all the people all over the world that want to live their lives and raise their children in peace!. I think of Darfur and N!. Korea!. I think that when someone loses their life because of hatred, fear, greed, it's irreversible, and it's my fault if I continue to do nothing!. How can anyone be satisfied with the way the world is today!?Www@QuestionHome@Com