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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your philosophy of life if you're not religious or spiritual?

Question: What is your philosophy of life if you're not religious or spiritual!?
Would it resemble religion or spirituality in any way!? How would it differ from them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My guiding principle is to believe less and less everyday!. The less I believe!.!.!. that is the less I believe this should be this way and that should be that way, and the good person does x and the bad person does y and if I x then y will happen!.!.!. the less I believe!.!.!. the more open I am to what actually is!. What is actually happening right now!. The less I'm in my head, the more present I am in my life!. As I believe less I fight less, because I have less to defend!. The less I believe the less I believe I'm right and the less I need to prove to you or my neighbor or my friend that I am right,!.!.!. the more at peace I feel!. As I believe less and less, my heart is open to more and more!.

Maybe there is a God!. I really don't know!.!.!. and I'm open!.
Maybe there is a right way to live!. I really don't know and I'm open!.
Maybe there is a hell, I really don't know!.!.!. and I'm open!.

When I live this way, feel peaceful!. I know I've stepped off of my path when I feel irritated or angry!. If I feel irritated or angry I can pretty much bet I'm busy defending what's "right" in my mind!.!.!. that is I'm busy defending a belief!.
Put the belief down, open my mind, and suddenly I find my heart open again and peace!.

That's my philosphy!.!.!.
But then again!.!.!. maybe it's not!. And I'm open!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religion is method and tradition with a goal!.
Spirituality is an ambiguous way to say belief system!.
Most have a belief system and most use method to recognize or act according to that belief system!.
Philosophy is another method of creating belief systems!.

most trade and change belief systems several times throughout a life time!. they really aren't any different than fashion or taste!.

being is all there is!. being doesn't really require any formulated system or method!. being lets all others be because it is being as they are being and they are all the same being!. no symbol or system or method needed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world is full of misery and pain due to the complexities adopted by so called clever people!.As against clever, cunning and complex persons, the world today needs persons with open and wide hearts, with enough love, respect and care for others!. My belief is that, it is far more important to be a good human being than to be a person of eminence in life!. If I am good, can lend a helping hand to others as per my capacity, then whether or not I am successful in my career, I am doing something meaningful in my life!. It is so simple to complicate issues and create disturbances but it is so difficult to be simple, fair and just and maintain harmony!.Today, the world needs people with golden hearts!.
To be a man of such integrity requires an inbuilt honesty, disciopline as also the deepest introspection!. Every religion preaches of enlightment through a constant process of quest and self improvement!. Spirituality is perhaps a search and striving for a state of mind where one gains absolute prudence and honesty, where he can alienate himself from all meanness, ego, evil thoughts and deeds!. Perhaps one in a million can attain that state of pureness!. There are hundreds of persons of average ability and if all of them tries to become a little selfless, the world would be a better place indeed!.
It is unfortunate that religion has ever been used as a tool for creating disturbances through intolerance and fanaticism by a small group of complex persons pretending to be urdent followers of the religion!.The problem does not lie with religion but with the way it is used!. Religion inspires faith in humanity and helps realize the core soul or spirituality that all human beings contain!. It is the conscious misinterpretation by a group of talented crookes that inflicts hatreds and mistrusts, creates riots, wars and massacres!.
Whatever the clever and cunning may practice, however the fanatists may define religion to be, I wish to be a better person than I am, seeking to give support and a little comfort in my own way to another person in a crisis!.
It is better to listen to your heart than to the brains in most occassions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my beliefs dont follow a cookie cutter religion!. I dont believe in god!. my beliefs are closely related to buddhism, but i do not agree with everything!.
on a daily basis, I go through life trying to the nobel/right thing, help people, and have inner peace!.
I do not believe there is an outer being that has influence over my life!. that is crazy to me!. I think people use some religion as a coping mechanism!. I think people need to question what they believe and why instead of being naive and gullible to what people tell them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do the best you can!. Be responsible for your every thought, emotion, word and deed!. Love others!. Be kind to others and animals!. Love you Mother Nature!. Respect Mother Earth!.
Help those in need, human and animal, if you are able to!.
Be happy and enjoy your life!.
I consider myself to be an Eclectic Philosophical Pagan!. I believe in the spirituality in Nature Herself!. I have a hard time believing in any God or Goddess, but respect others who do believe!. I believe, instead, in the Universal Energies that cause the planets and solar systems to exist!. Do not mistake this for a belief in Jehovah, for he is but another myth in the myriad of deity myths!. I believe that we are all equal, human, animal, plant and mineral!. Everything deserves my respect, except a moth, which I am terrified by!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am a spiritual person, but i'm not religious!. maybe what i am isn't what you would see as spiritual!. i am a panentheist and i like a lot of things in hinduism!. that means i really believe in some force or power that makes the world and is in everything!. i believe in karma and reincarnation, and in the fact that love is the most important thing in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the important points in philosophy is how to live your life, so I'm approaching this from that angle!.

Any any given moment, I (and everybody else, for that matter) is faced with a choice: live or die!. If we choose to live, we can only do so as human beings!.

People aren't exactly the most physically intimidating of creatures on this planet!.!.!.we survive by the use of our rational faculties applied toward our lives!. The use of reason is one cornerstone of how to act!.

To act is to take the steps to gain or preserve something!. The use of reason requires that we attempt to attain and keep those things that are beneficial to our wellbeing (imagine the danger inherent in trying to keep something that's inherently self-destructive)!. The things that we would act to gain and get are our values!. To strive towards rationally-chosen values is another cornerstone!.

The willingness to trust your judgment and the courage to make decisions is a final cornerstone!.

The end result of how to act is inherently based on rational self-interest!. I wouldn't for example, cheat on my wife out of pleasure with another woman because my wife is a person I value, and I'd take the steps to keep her (by being honest, faithful, helpful, comforting, etc!.)!. I take the steps to develop my skills for my job and my hobbies!. I strive to re-examine my decisions, to better understand the world around me, thus making it more likely that I'll make choices that are good for me in the long run!.

Individual decision making, honesty, justice, integrity, and working hard to achieve your goals are all important to me!. I treat others with kindness, and they often treat me the same (and those that don't can usually be brushed aside as they usually aren't worth my time or concern)!. I'm open to being wrong (being able to see and admit this are important to making good decisions in the future), but also willing to stand by unpopular decisions when people can't explain to me what makes the choices I made are "bad!."

I'm proud of who I am and what I've gained through hard work and a bit of brain power!. It makes me happy to know that my decisions have been beneficial to everybody I care about!. If that isn't a good way to live, I don't know what is!.

What makes this non-religious or non-spiritual is a lack of divine authority as a source of action and knowledge; and a lack of using "intuition" and "what feels right!." Instead, it's an application of knowledge and hard work at all times through all areas of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uh, my philosophy of life!?

That fun is good and suffering sucks!.

No, nothing religious or spiritual about it, in any way!.

It differs from religious or spiritual thought in not believing in magic or in non-existent entities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My philosophy on life is to make the absolute most of every second you get here, cause this is all there is!.
My mission is to be kind and try to make life a little easier for everyone I come across!.!.!.you never know what other people are going through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my philosophy would resemble tht old1 :whn life brings u lemons u make a lemonade!. i believe in many things, every religion hv sometin to sute my mind!. but in life these lemons r those which bringse me through :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I can only guess because every body in this world is born religious having a spirit in him which makes him move & think!. If not the photo you had shown by youselves may be the best way of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My philosophy of life is to do what I want as long as I don't hurt anybody else either physically or mentally!. I am not religious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy!. " "My religion is very simple!. My religion is kindness!. "Www@QuestionHome@Com

It HappensWww@QuestionHome@Com

live and let live!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What the hell!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it mightWww@QuestionHome@Com

i promise you at your death you'll see my kingdom!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com