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Position:Home>Philosophy> If the world was a completely just place...?

Question: If the world was a completely just place!.!.!.!?
How much poorer would Europeans and Americans be!.!.!.!?

Would you accept a more basic lifestyle, if it ensured that no one would starve!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Us Europeans and the fatties we call cousins would definitely be a lot poorer!. To be honest, as long as I had the basics, I wouldn't mind living a more basic lifestyleWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is a false premise that infers global prosperity may be accomplished only if the west or they who hold the majority of wealth suffer or relinquish their assets or power!. This statement is primarily designed to instil fear, ignorance and thereby a resistance to justifiable relegating of power back to nations deprived of the same!.
Global peace and prosperity per quotient, resources and population of each nation is easy to implement!.

Overcoming the barricades of incompetence and greed is a somewhat insurmountable if not entirely implausible task!. The barricades of greed, self interest, deviant, feminists, religious zealots, political agendas, people panderers, and a media choosing to focus, magnify and give voice primarily to whom it chooses based upon its paymasters and payroll praise singers!.

It is for the west to release their vice like heathen and barbaric grip upon the more cultured and civilised East, than any charitable donations and handouts!. I cannot envisage Bush or Brown giving any consideration to this noble act of fair play!. It’s a dog’s world with no God in sight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see a connection between "just" and "equal wealth"

I don't believe it is inherently unjust to have more than another person, or less than another!. It happens in nature even more often than it happens in human culture, and nature is the ultimate in "just"!. It never plays favorites, yet the disribution of natural resources unequal!.

On the other hand, I see it as unjust when a person selfishly chooses to parent a child into an environment that will likely lead to that child's starvation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is this comunism, Russia fell for this reason, shows how this great idea works!. If the world were fair then people would stop making other people unhappy for their own personal gain, people would finnish with the idea that they live to make others feel less important, society would agree that people can't be put into pigeon holes and treated as lower or higher, this theoretical would would be good but would make a mockery of the people who have worked for their possition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yes, I would accept!
Especially because I know for a fact that we wouldn't pe poorer!. On the contrary, our lives would be so much richer because we would have the balance that we are missing now!. Imagine!.!.!. we would have no stress, no fights, we would all work together!. We would give and take and help each other, just like we were meant to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Indivisible part of so called "justice" is "Dog eats dog"!.
If this part was "abolished", then God will be incomplete!.
Global social intercourse over the last two decades was so immense, that it absolutely discarded the need for "colonisation"!.
Has Japans economic boom after the 2nd W!.W!. anything to do with this "justice"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

so socialist,
Humans wouldn't be humans if there wasn't competition and the drive to succeed!. I'm not going to work as hard to make sure everyone is equal if I can work to get myself a better spot in life you know!?
I believe in equal opportunity, but I refuse to word so that someone who doesn't work as hard as I can can have the same benefits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What a very nice CONCEPT, but it'll always remain a very nice Theory!.
There's only one problem, concepts and theories are very nice idea's!.
However, one factor is often overlooked!. A Factor, that we are all glued to interminably!.
Human-Animal Nature, the strong beat-or eat-the weak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the wolrd was a completely 'just' place, Western countries would be considerably richer!. As would most other countries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


there would always be some one trying to get more than the next person its just a question of who would starve nextWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would not!. I only get one life, no sense in being hungryWww@QuestionHome@Com