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Position:Home>Philosophy> What did the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus mean by saying:"You can&#

Question: What did the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus mean by saying:"You can't step into the same river twice"!?
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u don't take it literately,it means u can't changed the past,u can never go backWww@QuestionHome@Com

The ever present and eternal "now" is actually a succession of "nows"!.
As soon as one realizes that it is "now", that "now" has become the past and a new "now" is present!.
The river is symbol for time, time being the succession of "nows"!.
As one steps into a river, the water he or she thought they were stepping into has already moved away down stream, the water they think they are stepping in is being replaced as they step by more water from upstream and on and on!.!.!.

Some philosophers might say that "You can not step into the river once!"

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For what it's worth, here is how I feel about it!.

As we go through life, we develop and grow as individuals!. Because of this, we can never "go back!." For example, if we were to return to a childhood playground we used to frequent, but have not seen for years and years, certainly all those old feelings and memories would come rushing back, but your experience would transcend that of your experience there as a child, because it would be you with your childhood memories, augmented by your further developed adult self!. So while you can return to the river and stick your feet in the water, the river has moved along so you're not really standing in the same water you were standing in the first time around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the river flows!. when you step into the river you step into a "piece" of water that you will never see again!.

the more profound meaning is that the world is always changing,a nd although it may seem that you have encountered a scenario before, they are always different because time continues to pass here on planet Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just as the water flows and moves along, ever changing, so does our life!. There is never an experience that will be exactly the same because it is a different time, even if it is a second later!. Same with the river, the water is always different even a second later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The river is constantly flowing new waters!.

In my perspective, it insinuates the essence of time-the past, present, and future!. We can't go back in the past, we can stand up for our present, and deal with the future whatever life brings to us by then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The river is constantly changing and moving!. If you step in a river once then step out only to step in it again the water that rushes past you would be different!. So it would have changed hence the quote "you can't step in the same river twice"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Water continually flows downhill in rivers!. So whenever you step into a river again after stepping into it the first time, you are stepping into new water and hence a different river!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
