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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you that life isn't as serious as our minds make it out to be?

Question: Do you that life isn't as serious as our minds make it out to be!?
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I think we try to create it being more serious than what it is, as a means of justifying our place and actions in it!.
we are conditioned in the western world to believe you have to have a great job, great possessions and great life for it to be meaningful!.
this is not true, as some of the most humble and money poor people, have far richer lives than those of us who have plenty of money and possessions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that depends on whats happening in your life at the time!. If your life is throwing you into turmoil with situations that you cant control it is very hard not to take it seriously, at least till your mind comprehend how to cope with it!. You also have to try to be happy and not become a victim!. However when life is going well you should be happy, happiness is a good state of mind, and its events and things that happen not you mind that determines how you view life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is not as serious as our minds make it to be!. Like liquids acquiring the shape of the container, life appears simple or serious as minds make it!. You can make a simple life serious and a serious life simple!. All depends upon how you handle it!. The answer is , life is a simple matter to be handled like a glass, i!.e!.very carefully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have always taken the stand that life is just a bowl of cherries!.!.!.and the rest of those lyrics just about sums it up!.
I was raised in an incredibly humor based family where nobody took themselves!.!.!.or the others, seriously!. It didn't mean we made light of serious issues, just tried to look at them from an optimistic viewpoint!. I was lucky that way, but
I know a lot of people didn't have this advantage!. If everyone
took a little time out of each day, no matter what's on their
plate, to laugh at something and bring a little silliness into
their lives, everyone would be a lot happier!.!.if not dingier!.
If you're desperate, you can always google, "Psycho kitty on
catnip"!. That should do it!.!.I actually clicked it on this morning
to jump start my day 'cause I was a little bleh!. It worked!. Now
I can't stop laughing which is another problem!. heheWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you had posted this question, about Five Mos!. ago, I would have said no, and would have wrote that Life is what you make of it, but Now, I would say that Yes, in part it is true because I was very sick for almost four Mos!. and I felt like I was going to die, when the Doctors I went too, could not find out what was wrong with me!.
But, now that a lady friend of mine told me that my sickness, was some kind of food, was obstructing the tube the food went through to the Stomach, she applied some kind of ointment, and massage my stomach, and that was all she did, and I could feel myself getting better as each day passed!.
To this day I myself can't believe this happened to me!.
After I spend about $1000, in seeing one Doctor after another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that each of us responds in different ways to life in general!. One can go through so much and yet still feel gratitude and concern for others!. Another may have so much, yet never fully value or be satisfied with their life!. I think if we allow our minds to get carried away we can lose perspective!. It's really best if we can, to just live and deal with today, as today unfolds, and not get too overly concerned with tomorrow!. It's been said that many times those troubles we've worried so hard about never even came!. Or, if they did come, they brought along with them some tremendous lessons to learn!. Isn't that what life really is; learning and growing along the way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you (blank) that life isn't as serious as our minds make it out to be!?
It sure would help to have a complete sentence so we know what you are asking!. What's interesting is that the room is replying to a question they are filling in the blank on themselves !. !. !. !. !. :O)))))))

Do you like!?
Do you hate!?
Do you think!?
Do you believe!?
Do you perceive!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just can't believe what I am seeing here!. People, stop and think about all the "serious" things you have in life!. If your car tears up, that's serious to most people!. If your cat get's hit by a car, that's serious isn't it!? Then how can any of you really say that your LIFE isn't serious!? If everyone would GET SERIOUS about life, the world as we know it, could be SO MUCH BETTER!!!!. By the way, ya'll, I don't mean being a serious jerk! Just think about your actions as if they effect others!. They do!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel!." -Oscar Wilde
Life is a very serious business!. Why do you think animals (including us) are willing to kill to preserve it!?
On the other hand, a life without humor and fun is dreadful!. And, humor is a part of life!.

A pony goes into a bar and says "Gimme a drink!. I'm a little horse!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Yes!. And YES!.

I personally have a constant problem where I dont think anything is serious and nothing matters!. Its all just silly matter and math!.

We are silly animals, like monkeys or starfish!.

Everything is relative!.

Humanity has not reached its apex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that most people take "life" for granted and move through it bored and unaware!.

We should value the wonderful cosmic accident although as our technology improves and we explore other worlds we will probably find life not to be so rare after all!.

Religious fantasy notwithstanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's no knowing what life has in mind!.!.!.

Just when we treat it lightly, thinking of it as an ally, become just a bit relaxed, at ease; it can turn around and make us sweat!. I'm kind of mystified by life's vagaries!. It sure likes to keep us on our toes!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you think!? "Don't sweat the small stuff and it is all small
stuff!." If I stay in one day at a time and don't project in gloom
of what is ahead of me/us, each day is more then okay, worry does not change what may be, or may not be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lighthearted and free is the way to be!. When we make things too serious it's because the ego wants to feel big and important and become its own problem solver instead of letting life unfold by itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try holding your breath under water for 60 seconds and then the mind will say air !.!.and that life is serious as our mind makes it out to be 60 seconds under water the mind clears up it says air and stay alive !. luv dadWww@QuestionHome@Com

absolutely!. without question!. refer to the Buddha on this one, as far as our minds conditioning our reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think now days its much more serious than our mind thinks it is!. In our minds you can brush it off but in fact its much worse!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the mind which makes everything a problem including life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My min is not serious and they dub me crazy an lock me up !. It's not the mind it's the reality we accept or not !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. If you take the serious approach when it comes to life, you might forget to stop and enjoy life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is all things!. Serious is one part!. Since we are diverse, our sense of serious will be diverse!. Blessings on you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My mind is always in the serenity mode, so nothing is serious for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You do have a point!. Sometimes we need to see the humorous side of things to put them in perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life is beautiful anywayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not unless the world blows itself up in the process!Www@QuestionHome@Com