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Position:Home>Philosophy> Color Spot I often see?

Question: Color Spot I often see!?
several times when I am in bed in the dark I usually see somthing like this pops up !.http://penguinglx!.myphotoalbum!.com/view_!.!.!.
It floats around for a while then disappears, then later on I see it again !. In the light I cant be able to see that, only in the dark
This has been happend since I was in elementary grade !. Up till now when I come to US ,it still follows me!.Is there any explain for this!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This happens to many people!. The easiest way to explain it is this!. The nerves in our eyes are extremely sensitive to light and motion!. They are extremely sensitive to stimulation!. After all, this is what sight is!. When the optical stimulation ceases, say, at the end of the day, the light and motion sensitive nerves are still turned on and ready for action!. At this point, the sensitive nerve endings inside our eyes can pick up very remote, and faint images from the brain, through the optic nerve!. They're usually just colors and quickly changing images!. A reflection of brain activity, from a portion of the brain that does not sleep!. You can enhance this visual show yourself!. Next time you experience this phenomenon, try pressing the heels of your hands against your closed eyes - just apply some pressure!. The slightly increased blood flow to your eyes will make more images, and make them more visual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know someone who took mushrooms on a daily basis for 3 years, and now there's a green orb following him wherever he goes!. (or so he claims)Www@QuestionHome@Com