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Position:Home>Philosophy> In the absence of a moral consensus, is power the ultimate reality?

Question: In the absence of a moral consensus, is power the ultimate reality!?
Since we don't seem to be able to agree upon a definition of good and bad, does our moral languge serve merely as a mask for a will to power!? Is there any other avenue toward social reform than to seize and use political power!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have been pondering your question and I am not sure that I can convey my answer the way I mean it!.but here's an attempt!.

Since we don't seem to be able to agree upon a definition of good and bad, does our moral languge serve merely as a mask for a will to power!?

It may well do!. If you take religion as an example, most that I have looked at share the same basic premise!. So, you could say all religions are the same!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.except that each take a particle stance!. The different focus is where the 'arguments' begin!. Your god is wrong beuase!.!.!.!.etc, etc!.

Is there any other avenue toward social reform than to seize and use political power!?

Yes, I believe there is but it would take a radical shift in the consciousness of human beings!. The realisation that actually, we are all a global family and should be working together instead of using politics as a means of division!.

In my ideal world there would be a collective conscience and the wealthy nations of the world would distribute food and other things just because they can!. And the nations in need would accept these things just because they can!.

No suspicion, no thoughts of undermining the local government!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.just people helping each other however they can, whever they are on the planet!.

Best I can do, for now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The moral consensus is a product of an ill society!. We see the symptoms all around us and we try to repair it with drugs, alcohol, suicide, perscriptions, and therapy( which is useless by the way as it is a product of the same sick society) !. The quest for power is fundamentally a human instinct of survival , the more power you have the better chance of surviving this harsh world we live in!. True social reform will only happen when Human Beings become human!. Currently we seem to be Human Havings instead!. The futility of it is that we have the ability to control our destiny and we are killing our planet instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The way to social reform is to limit political power!. The more laws we have the more criminals we have!. I think we can agree on the fundamentals of good and bad, right and wrong, can't we!? It's when we start deciding whether or not our neighbors should have multiple sex partners, smoke a joint in the privacy of their home, fall in love with a member of the same sex, smoke, drink, curse, have racist attitudes, etc!.!.!. where we start encrouching on personal freedoms and the pursuit of happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Historically, power has always prevailed!. Might has always made right!.

If the United States were to apply to all our post-World-War-II presidents the same laws we applied against the Nazis at Nuremberg, then all of our presidents since World War II would have had to be executed for crimes against humanity!.

It is extremely unlikely that President Bush will be indicted for crimes against humanity because of his policies of torture!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So!.!.!.!. In the absence of "moral consensus", does might make right!?

Isn't that just accepting that the "law of the jungle" is all we are capable of if we can't exercise understanding and compassion!?

As for other avenues!.!.!.!. Seems I remember some people who offered examples of other Paths!. Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Ghandi!.!.!.!. Just to name a few!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"It is difficult to associate these horrors with the proud civilizations that created them: Sparta, Rome, The Knights of Europe, the Samurai!.!.!. They worshipped strength, because it is strength that makes all other values possible!. Nothing survives without it!. Who knows what delicate wonders have died out of the world for want of the strength to survive!?"
- HanWww@QuestionHome@Com

If we take moral out of it then all you have left is to get to the top to have the most power because with power you can rule over people and have alot of what you could ever want!. or well thats the illusion power brings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com