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Question: Seduction!.!.!.!?
is it considered a sin to use seduction!? im not much of a religious person anyway, but what are general beliefs towards seduction!? do you think its ok to use one's physical attractiveness and sexual appeal to make someone fall for you!? or in the big picture is it wrong!?

i!.e!. showing off muscles, body, naughty flirting, "friendly" massages, etc

sure these things are OK, but my question is more geared toward relationship-wise, if there was a guy/girl you liked!. what ya think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I see seduction as a way to get your foot in the door with someone you are interested in!. What happens after that depends on how the two of you connect in other ways!. If it is just physical then the attraction will fade but if it includes a great many other things, it will remain!. In long time relationships (my soul mate and I have been married for 31 years), it is used to add spice to the romance and to remind one another of what it was like in the beginning when everything was so new and exciting!. It keeps us from getting into a rut relationship wise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

usually a relationship based on looks doesnt last long at all and it usually doesnt end very well!.
if your looking for a good relationship i suggest that you really get to know the person first, make sure your personalities are compatible, because if you rush into things it might become boring after you get to know each other because there is nothing left to talk about!.
and about the seduction thing, its probably ok to use it to get the persons attention, but stop there at that point let them fall for you, not just your looks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seduction is like hypnosis!. Nobody ever does anything under hypnosis that they would be unwilling to do normally!.

Seduction, hypnosis, alcohol and drugs, whatever convinces the other person they aren't responsible, great!.

Now an exception to this rule is "date drugging!." Unconscious people are not responsible for what you do TO them!. So don't go knocking your victims out and them blaming me!. I am talking about conscious states!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

usually the way someone looks is what first attracts us, or the sound of their voice, or maybe even the smell of their cologne!. But what makes it last is in the way you relate to each other in your mind!. If you are what they call"soul mates" seduction is great, if not it will probably only create jealousy or callousness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you're in a relationship, seduction can be (and frequently -is-) a very fun and important part of the relationship!. And a bit of it can help lead to a good (or better) relationship if all of the other elements are there!.

But it's -not- what a relationship is totally all about!.


Sounds like you're pretty self-absorbed, or whoever uses their body to get attention!. Appreciate your body but don't overdo it!. I'm thinking if you get someone by just flaunting yourself, then you are lacking somewhere else (personality!)!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The hump on my back , my one leg and missing eye do not lend to understanding this question !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First lets start with a definiton:
se·duce (s-ds, -dys)
tr!.v!. se·duced, se·duc·ing, se·duc·es
1!. To lead away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct!. See Synonyms at lure!.
2!. To induce to engage in sex!.
a!. To entice or beguile into a desired state or position!.
b!. To win over; attract!.


[Middle English seduisen, from Old French seduire, seduis-, alteration (influenced by Medieval Latin sdcere, to lead astray) of suduire, to seduce, from Latin subdcere, to withdraw : sub-, sub- + dcere, to lead; see deuk- in Indo-European roots!.]

OK, for definition #1 - That's just plain wrong!. Unless, of course, you are James Bond getting the beautiful woman to betray her {whatever} to save the world!. Then, it's a good thing!. But if you apply your seductive wiles against the susceptible bank guard to rob the bank, that's a no no!.

For the rest of the definitions, I submit the answer is about the same!. Are you seducing to get something you want with no regard to feelings, desires, consequences for the other - Bad Boy/Girl!.

Do you truly care for the person you are attempting to seduce and want to spend quality time with them, enter into a mature relationship and make a strong commitment to them, well, that's not so bad, maybe it is even good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com