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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does everything really happen for a reason?

Question: Does everything really happen for a reason!?
So many times we hear people say "Everything happens for a reason!." But is that really true, or is it just something people want to believe to make themselves feel better!? Please give your opinion and a brief explanation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
for every action there is a reaction!.!.!. If I put water and coffee in a coffee machine!.!. and it's plugged in and I turn it on!.!.!. I will have a cup of coffee!.!.!.!. did the cup of coffee occured for a reason!? It occured because I put water and coffee in a machine and plugged it in and turned it on!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, everything happens for a reason!. When we see the reason, we see the empowering love that is the beauty and reason of life!. Death is a phase of life, and life is a phase of death!. The symbol 'yin-yang' can show this light and dark relationship, and how day changes into night, and night into day!. Similarly, 'love' can lead to 'hate', and 'hate' leads to 'love'!. Beyond these, supreme awareness manifests!. Then divine love becomes supreme!.

Symbol is ash!.

Life is a beautiful tapestry, with infinite layers and an intricate web of interactions leading to and from other actions and reactions!. The purpose!? A Divine Play!. What is Divine!? All!.

The Athiest and the Devout come together at the end, in the same realization of the profound beauty and depth of the song of life, which is beyond all words to describe!.

Singing Aum (OM) is a beautiful way to find peace!.

Om Shanti Shanti Om

Namaste! Mahalo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is true and I think that′s proven to a lot of people!. Everything that happens to us whether good or bad, later on, days after or sometimes years after we realize, "oh, now I udnerstand why that happened!"
But it′s hard to accept when something went wrong because it wasn′t on our plan, and we don′t want anybody or anything to change our plan right, however it happens and we just have to accept it!. Most times we do because there′s nothing we can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that implies that something is controlling and forecasting the outcome of events!.
that implies an outside force and intelligence that is beyond the infinite expanse of the universe and the untouchable essence beneath!.
things happen and we have developed senses that give us the ability to experience these things!.
is there a purpose to every or any ripple that runs along the surface of a pond during rain!?
why would a ripple be any more planned than an organism living in the millionth year of its species existence on a mass of ground on a planet in a solar system of one galaxy among billions!?
Ironically, you are both the organism and ripple and galaxy!.
It is you that makes things happen!.
you are lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

the universe is a unchangable pattern not even the creator himself will change anything for u or agianst u by doing so it is altering the entire universe and everything in it !.!.!.it doesnt matter if a coin appers out of then air that could create devastation!.!.!.BUT there are multiple universes playing out right now parallel to u an i and everyone around !!lets say u are going to the store and this is a brief easy example !.!.a friend calls and u decide to not go at the last second, well in another universe u went and died in car accident!!!!and in another u made it to the store and got groceries!!!!in another u couldnt find your car keys! so its a little of both u have free will BUT what ever u do branches off infintly and uneffects the universe u are in NOW and what ever happens here doesnt effect the unvierse elsewhere so say u did pass away at a early age u very well could be living a happy life in another univeres !.!.!.!.so i guess anyone who has told u that is really close to the truth and really far at the same time!.!.!.!.!. i love these paradox's ,so!. i would say both sorry its not a yes or no or u can say neitherWww@QuestionHome@Com

That phrase doesn't necessarily mean fate or fatalism or predestination!. I think it's way to feel better about decisions we've made when things seem to go south!. Of course things happen for a reason, they happen for the reason that you're living your life, that you're an active participant!. There's always choices and had we made a different choice, more than likely there would have been different results!.

It's like that old game show, Let's Make a Deal! You pick a curtain, or a door, and your prize is revealed!. Only in life, we don't get to see what was behind door 1 & 3 after choosing 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The law of cause and effect!. God is the first cause the only un caused cause!.

We are the effect of God's love, just as children are the effect of a normal loving relationship, through pro creation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do believe that everything happens for a reason, but determined by ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything happens and we assign it a "reason"!. Thanks for being a contestant on our show!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.I strongly believe so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

absolutely notWww@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think so lol!.

Good Luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it Doesn't, we shouldn't really be here!. Should we !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com