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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can intelligent Lifeforms make mistakes or be in error?

Question: Can intelligent Lifeforms make mistakes or be in error!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course they can!. Intelligence does not always mean you have other most important human virtues like compassion, forgiveness, understanding of others, respect for all forms of life, honesty, devotion to loved ones, family values, trust, etc!. Sometimes these tributes are forgotton and they are more value than being merely intelligent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The concept of mistakes is a concept created by man, and it is backed by religion!. But if you ask me, it is all relative to your set of beliefs, whether they be religious, moral or ethical!. Personally i dont believe in mistakes because mistakes imply that something should have been done differently!. But I believe that if something happened one way it could not have happened another way without disrupting the balance of existence!. I am not saying everything is decided, because i don't believe that!. I am not religious!. Im just saying that as we progress through time, there is a certain amount of space for certain actions, and in order to maintain balance one action/decision needs to occur in one area in order to allow room for a different action/decision in another area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question couldn't be more easier!!. If because a person
believe they are quote & quote intelligen so they think that they never or cannot make mistake, then that's when they sease from been intelligent & become an egotistical person!.
A intelligent person never let emotions or any thing gets in the way of there thinking so ego, they usedraly does not know the meaningt of that word @ all!. Intelligent person usess there computer @ all time, & I am not speaking about computer that is in front of you!!. I am speaking about the computer that you were born with!. YOUR DM!. BRAIN that's
what I am speaking about!. They say Instine was a genus but
I can bet you any thing you want to bet, altho I am not a beting man, that Instine was Ignarent of some thing in his life! so no
body knows every thing!!. They will know megeraty of things but not every thing!!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Infallibility is not a precondition of knowing what one does know, of firmness in one’s convictions, and of loyalty to one’s values!."
“The Shanghai Gesture,” The Ayn Rand Letter, I, 14, 3!. Ayn Rand

Infallibility requires omniscience, and I do not believe you would say any life form is omniscient!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes they can!. Yes they do!. Yes they will!. Yes they did!. Knowing you do not know is the only verifible knowledge but by faith alone that was credited for righteousness to fellas like Abram who became Abraham!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Perfection is a goal, not a possibility!. Fallibility is the foundationof our humanity!. Otherwise, we would be gods!. There is only one God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a good look at your neighbour!.
There the answer lies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com