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Question: 2012, do you end or transition!?
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Do you think that the world will end in 2012, or do you think we will enter transition of some sort!. Please dont get all religious either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it will be time for a new calendar!.

Remember, nearly everything we know about our planet, is based in theory, not facts!. Theories are man's best guess at an explanation of certain observations!. We take many theories for granted, and live with the general feeling that they are facts, but they are not!.

Any scientific theory is based upon what is known at any one time!. Most theories are like a house of cards!. Change one and there is a ripple effect through the rest!. Everyday scientists discover theories that don't exactly fit observations!. What do they do!? They change the theory to support the observations, and then change any theories that are built upon those changing theories accordingly!.

Once upon a time, in the distant past the Mayans had developed theories based upon their observations of the cycles of our solar system!. They theorized that these cycles corresponded with their spiratual and collective consciousness, and they created a calendar based upon those theories!.

Today, our theories of our solar system, its cycles, its interactions with neighboring solar systems, etc!., far outstrip those of the Mayans because our observations have extended and enhanced the theories of the Mayans!.

Since the theories have changed, so to should have the calendar, but it hasn't, mostly because the Mayans failed to see their own demise while watching for the end of the world!.

So, as I said, its time for a new calendar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have my own perspective on this which others seem not to share!. I think that it depends on people's attitudes towards 2012!. It's a useful point in time on which to focus a resolution to change one's life, and if enough people do that, and we don't know how many people that would be, it could trigger off a big positive change like the butterfly effect!. However, in no way is it an excuse to sit back and just let it happen!. We need to do this to make it possible!. It isn't a cargo cult, but something we can make happen if we all work together!.

Concerning the Mayan calendar, there are references to dates thousands of years after this and it's more akin to the end of a millenium!. It's not the end of the calendar!. Concerning a technological singularity in transhuman terms, tell that to the people starving and dying for the want of medicines that cost a few pence in the Third World!.

We can make a change but we have to do it!. It's our responsibility!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going with "End!." I'm no Nostradamous, but if the society, as we know it, is destroyed, it will be a result of the combined efforts of the Healthcare industry, Pharma companies, and the Federal Reserve!.

Post Scriputm: I had too much drank!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The space aliens I've been talking to have told me that on December 21st, 2012, they're going to come down and take all the good people to a much better planet!. All the bad people will be left here to fight among themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im thinking transition!. Theres alot of stuff that has predictions for that year, but then again, many recent predictions have simply been falseWww@QuestionHome@Com

the world as we know it will end forever but not actually end so i think it will be a transition period for mankind!. that is if anything at all happens in 2012!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The mayans probably just didn't want to count higher than 2012!. Or they ran out of paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I wake up that day, I would like to go sailing, just like every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


nothing ends!.!.!.energy doesn't die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com