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Position:Home>Philosophy> Will we soon forget how to write by hand?

Question: Will we soon forget how to write by hand!?
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I have had this discussion with my partner recently!.!.!.though it was not about writing it was about speaking!. From watching my sister (who is a text-a-holic) it made me wonder if as we become more and more technologically advanced, if the need for actual speech with be nil!. My sister can call the people she texts!.!.!.yet they text like crazy instead and in fact prefer to communicate that way and I think it's the same for a lot of people!. We can use messenger instead of the telephone!.!.!.!.have conversations without ever uttering a sound!. What will happen as this progresses!? As for the writing thing!.!.!.I am a vigilant writer, I write daily, and before I got my computer I only ever used a pen and paper!. In fact, I couldn't even imagine how anyone could write creatively using a keyboard!.!.!.!.for me it seemed inorganic and hindering to the process!. Then I got my computer!. I can safely say I now can't seem to write creatively *without* using a keyboard!. It's totally bizarre how we adapt and alter our perspectives and preferences!. Besides that though, the last time I went to put pen to paper I found I couldn't write as well as I used to, letter formation-wise!. That skill had atrophied!. I could still do it, but it wasn't as pretty as it once was!. So while I don't know if we will specifically *forget* how to write manually but I do think it is possible it may become obsolete!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope so!. Writing and drawing by hand has severe limitations!. The size of the page, the amount of ink in your pen, it's always flat and two dimensional!. It's not interactive- there is no cut/copy/paste and to share you need to physically pass the pen and paper to another person, you can't undo, you can't rearrange, everything that is represented must be made out of lines, and before you can even start you need to have practiced for years to get skilled motor control over your wrists and fingers!.

Hopefully in the future we will interact with computers using our minds, "write" in a multi-dimensional idea space by just thinking, and use this space to communicate with others!. Rather than drawing lines to make shapes to mean letters to construct words, we'll write whole words, phrases or sentences at a time!. When I draw a straight line I won't need a ruler, and when I mean to communicate a dodecahedron I'll quickly build one instead of drawing a flat projection of it using 2d lines!.

Keyboard and mouse input are primitive, but calculators, text editors, search engines and command lines have changed the way we think!. In the future we'll be able to build complex ideas and communicate them immediately to anyone in the world!.

Imagine the art, literature, music, and innovations in a world where we think using computers!. As an optimist I'm hoping this happens soon enough for me to be a part of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While this is a clever question, the answer is probably 'no'!. When writing came into social use, people did not forget how to speak!. In the same way, people will not forget how to write by hand because it is still part of the social development of language (i!.e!., we must teach children about letters and writing by having them do so by hand)--which means the teachers themselves must remember!. If technology becomes SO cheap that young children are taught their A, B, C's via the technology, it would be more likely to forget, but I still believe people would not forget how to write (it would just be done less often)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.!.good question!. I'd really like to think we won't forget to write by hand!. I don't think we will forget anytime soon!. But I have noticed that "writing by hand" (i!.e!. what is often been considered "pen to paper" writing) has changed, and will continue to!. The dependence on spell check, for one, has had horrible effects on my ability to jot down ideas on paper by hand!. More still, the more I use typing devices to "put down" thoughts, the more the movement, the speed, of my thought process adapts, creating a kind of "habit of thought" that does not seem to carry over very well when I write by hand!. Writing by hand is slow, more intimate, more sensual!. I feel the thoughts "drag" along as I roll across the paper!. When I type, I develop thought that is more like a rhythm and flows at a quicker less sensual pace!. But, in either case, notice, I write by hand!.

We still write by hand and may continue to for some time, or at least until communication technologies move into the realm of the noetic, that is, into the realm of psychic communication!. It's all science fiction at this point!. But, it's not out of the realm of possibility for a distant future!.

The notion of writing has now changed!. Writing is no longer just pen to paper!. It is text messaging, emailing, IM, Blog, and Microsoft Word!. All of these depend, at this point, on hands!. So, in many ways, until voice recognition software becomes able to translate human feeling, it will always be through hands that we communicate when we have a need to "put thoughts down!."

My answer to your question is this:
We won't forget how to write by hand because hands are what we use to write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anybody that wishes to retain their thoughts, lessons and wisdom will keep their pens to the paper!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, Graffiti will be alive and well as long as humans (at least inconsiderate humans) exist

I'm more concerned about our ability to spell given the advent of spell check and text messaging corruptions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we soon forget to write by hands,then we will forget to walk by legs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hope we won't! who can tell, now!?
i think we won't!. each generation knows how fulfilling and beautiful writing is, so it will be passed on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just bought a fountain pen that I have to manually fill ink from a bottle!. I still hand write my memos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the next version of the windows program for computers is doing away with the mouse and keyboard,it will use touch screen and voice control!.u will hardly need yr arms let alone any wrtitng or typingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Many have forgotten how to do math in their head!. So it could be possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com