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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible that we humans are living in a simulation ?

Question: Is it possible that we humans are living in a simulation !?
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it may be possible but i really dont think this is really happening but who knows !.!.!.!.!. everything that the human might thinks may be wrong becoz our creator is the one who plays with our minds not usWww@QuestionHome@Com

NO!. The multiverse would cause ripples in a large simulation,eventually destroying it!. We are connected to the multverse also, so we would decimate the simulation!. There would have been a jailbreak a long time ago!. Sophisticated creatures would know how flimsy and unreliable a simulation would be,so they would not attempt such a feat!. More likely, they would exert control via a machine plugged into a real universe!. Much much believable that way!. A simulation is too physically small to withstand the pressure imparted by the multiverse!. It would be like Atlas, but then it would be obliterated!.

A simulation does not have the flexibility that matter has, and that is it's flaw!. It is too compartmentalized and brittle!.

If you feel you are living in a matrix it is possible you have given control of your life over to your computer!. If you feel unreal, it is because you are not very well plugged into the multiverse, which is the real wonder!. The perception that we are living in a matrix is highly understandable, given current human living environments!.!.!.

As for alien control, it is possible it is here!. The universe is real, but it may be under alien influence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well at the rate at which computers and artificial intelligence are developing, then it is possible that we are part of a simulation of the past, although the chances of that are quite slim and I'm sure most people would prefer a more conventional train of thought for how we were created!.

However, like i said, its defiantly possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch the matrix did you!?

Would it really matter if we were!? Everything you perceive is your reality at this moment!. Does it really matter if it’s real or not!? What defines real!?
Beyond that, our technology is not at that level of achieving an ongoing simulation of this intensity!. Unless you're making the argument that it was at one time and that our current technological inadequacy is merely the proverbial wool being pulled over our eyes!. (ala the matrix) However then you must question why such advanced technology cannot overcome certain anomalies that are aware of the situation!. I mean, you’re talking about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well essentially, we ARE living a simulation!. It's a simulation of whatever our BRAIN tells us it is!. And everyone's brain is a little bit different, causing them to perceive with their senses a bit differently!. So life is different for each one of us based on the condition of our mindstate!. When we are happy, colors seem beautiful, everything just MEANS more!. And when you are down, well, food just don't taste the same!. In the future, I imagine you will be able to control your own brain a bit better to finely tune your senses to your liking!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely!.!.!.!.!.!. This is actually a valid hypothesis being considered by a good number of scientists!. Basically the premise is that if a civilization is advanced enough it can simulate a realistic universe (so realistic that the inhabitant cannot tell the difference)!.!.!.!.!.!. therefore if any sentient entity has ever or will ever become advanced enough they will create these simulations!. Many millions or billions of these simulations could run in that advanced world!.!.!.!.!. therefore if civilization anywhere in the universe can advance to that level we are billions of times more likely to be living in one of the sims then in the one true reality!. also sims could potentially create sims so the odds then become astronomically slim that we are in the real reality!.

Here is a good link about it!.

Simulation of what!?

I guess its possible, but highly unlikely!. I don't know where people come up with these conspiracy theory's!? We are not living in The Matrix, there are no little green men on mars, alien abductions only seem to happen to weirdo people in USA, and there is no proof of god or heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but it is more a "replication" of your early environmental relationships!. Your conditioned ego identity is the defensive mind/body system that helped you survive childhood and reality - which is responsive to the contents of consciousness - mirrors the internal conflictedness between the learned ego and the authentic nature until you dump the ego programming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's possible, but what's the difference between the simulation & reality!? We humans are nothing but brains reacting to electric stimuli we THINK we're receiving from the outside world!. According to our brains, this is what reality really is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is not too exagerated a statement, We are allways simulating our selves for various reasons so as to prepare our selves for - Job , Religion , Love ,Society and family etc,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is actually highly probable that we are living in a Windows simulation!. Cause when I am driving, I often crash for no reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, in a sense yes in God's eyes this is kinda like a mini-clip game the only catch if he stops thinking about you its like he puled the plug on you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hehe i've often thought this, mostly after watching The Matrix

Anything is possible, and how would we to know!.!.we might just just be nothing more than AIWww@QuestionHome@Com

Who told you that!?!.!.!.List their names now!.

Then go and sit in your lounge chair!.

We will re-boot you shortly and all will be OK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. You've obviously watched the matrix a few too many times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read your Bible!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not not possible!.!.!.

I wish there were more hot chicks in my sim!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


yes, but does it matter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can only hope cause my job sucks!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com