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Position:Home>Philosophy> Evolution in human consciousness or self-destruction?

Question: Evolution in human consciousness or self-destruction!?
I've been thinking a lot lately about humanity and how we seem to be on a path towards self-destruction!. I know that there are many terrible things going on in the world and that people are more isolated from one another than ever before (by that I mean that we seem to be ever more concerned about "me" and "mine" and "us" versus "them") and I think that we are seriously going to be faced very soon with a choice: evolve or die!. I think of what is happening in the world right now as labor pains!. It's scary and painful, but in the end something good is going to come from it all!. So while many people are fearful of the future right now, I feel like something amazing is going to happen in the end, even if we have to suffer for a while!. So what do you think!? Is humanity going to evolve into a more spiritual, selfless society, or will we self-destruct!? Or will things just keep on marching along like they are now!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thank you Annajane for demonstrating the degree of tolerance, understanding and grammatical ability that I have long come to expect from people of "Faith", such as yourself!. It seems that quite often, whenever there is a reasonable well phrased question posted, pondering the ultimate fate of our species, there always seems to be someone, usually a person of "faith" such as Annajane, who is only to eager to demonstrate the distinct lack of the aforementioned vitrues to which their faith attests!.
Shekhina, your question has in effect already been answered by Annajane!. It is my belief that is intolerance and hatred that will ultimately destroy us as a people!. It's not just the age old struggle over whose version of the afterlife may be correct, though it is a forerunner in this apocalyptic race!. People do not necessarily need an excuse to hate one another, though the debate of religion has often suited this need!. We do need to evolve, we need to shed this constant burden of, "I'm right, you're wrong, or else!", though in truth I think we might be hardwired as a species to be confrontational!. Perhaps it is in our DNA to be unreasonable, violent and destructive!. A throwback if you will to the days of big sticks and loincloths!. If this is the case, the evolutionary process you mention will need to encompass both the physical and mental aspects of our being!. Though, speaking as a person who believes in evolution over divinity, such a process could take thousands if not millions of years!. Until then our intellect will have to keep things in check!. We need to realise that it is simply not smart to harbour such ill will and detructive urges!. If the extremists out there, and not every 'apocalypse nut' is a person of faith, I'm sure there are Atheists out there that would gladly burn the world with just as much enthusiasm, ever do wish to herald in an extinction level event, it will begin in the home!. It will be raised on intolerance, fed hatred and indiference and then set forth into the world after graduatuation, possibly with a biology degree!. It won't come from terrorists or invading armies, it will start next door!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Goddamn!. Thats a good question!. I wish i could even begin to start answering that while making sense!. I'll try!.

I think it will get more peaceful, but not in our lifetime!. Although thats moving forward, its also moving closer to the end!. Like a peak and a comedown!. So I guess my answer to "Is humanity going to evolve into a more spiritual, selfless society, or will we self-destruct!?"
is, both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The transition from a type 0 civilization to a type 1 civilization is the hardest!.!.we either evolve or destroy ourselves, i think the government is scared of this transition, the european union is close to a type one civilization, once we reach type 2 if we ever do we will practically be immortal beings traveling to other star systems and once we reach type 3 we will colonize the galaxy
i myself have thought of things like this since i was a young grasshopperWww@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know!. i certainly hope your opinion is the right one, because they way we are heading it seems as if humanity has lost touch with reality!. perhaps one day wealth and power won't mean so much to those at the top and we can live peacefully together!. it is more likely that, because of the decisions of maybe 20 people ruling over us, the world will be destroyed by human means!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"This too shall pass"!. Gloom and Doom, is a part of each generation!. I think you have it "NAILED" as looking at our situation today as "Change" and even the anticipation that this will lead to something positive!. Perhaps the "key" is to "observe" society and it's changes rather than be concerned, for in reality , that seems to be the wisest way to deal with change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While some evolve, the majority will self distruct, the evolved wil learn to work around the less evolved probably even use them, as to whether they will be more spiritual perhaps clinging to tohe spiritual is something we will have to evolve away from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm for self-destruction!. Just look at some of the questions on this very website!.

By the way, I love answer one!. You can see the teachings of love shining through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we're going to self-destruct!. We're almost there and we're getting worse each day!. It's way too evident!. Try asking your neighbour to help you fix your sink and he'll look at you weirdly whereas it used to be common to help your neighbours!.

I wish it was like what you said, though; that something amazing is going to come out of this horrible world we're living in!. It's a very different and beautiful perspective!.

Interesting question :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every generation looks at previous generations as the glory days!.!.!.!.!.!. but for all our problems we (on average) are better off in every way then were our predecessors!.

It may not seem like it, but when you strip away the glossy veil through which we tend to view the past you will realize that human beings were far more barbarous and even monsterous to one another as little as 60 years ago!. The glory days of the 50's included the constant threat of nuclear hollocaust as well as the systematic abuse of power toward minorities as well as women!. The western world has had a steady march toward progress for quite some time, and the drum beat hasn't slowed!.!.!.!.!. if anything it has sped!.

Our current problems are because of the very progress, both socially and economically that we have enjoyed!. Our advancement, in the wrong hands, turns quickly into a weapon but that is true of every advancement!. The enemies of progress are growing fewer and fainter by the day!.!.!.!. and are currently limited to some governments of the middle east as well as evangelicals at home!.

The battle between science and religion is one between the future and the past!. Groups that follow leaders from a more primitive and monsterous human era and those that seek to find truth through reason and scrutiny!. One has brought us the airplane, the spacecraft, the telephone!.!.!.!.!. the other has brought us the crusades, the inquisition and september 11th!. On the bright side the future is winning!.!.!.!.!.!. reason is prevailing!. It is winning because it must!.!.!.!. whatever people are, at their core they know that yesterdays problems can only be solved by tomorrows innovation and like it or not the successful nation must realize that to remain succesful!. It is a natural failsafe because when one nation lags behind another takes the reigns of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its good that you're so optimistic!. Maybe you're right about the future, but i don't know what is going to happen!. As of right now, it just seems that there's too many people who just simply don't care!. While there are many who do care also, i think its probably only 50/50, and that's not enough on the positive thinking side!. Soooo many people are in the mind set of, "too many people litter and waste already, for my little bit to even make a difference!"!. All we can do is try to be better people, be more pro-active about our environment and our fellow humans and lead by example and pray that it catches trend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your view is that of an ultimatum!.!.either: 1!. evolution/ rebirth into purity or 2!. self-destruction of society!.
Indeed it seems that only one or the other would be possible!. It is true!. Even if we don't directly contribute to the downfall of society (through war or some other manner), some indirect factor or unrelated phenomenon could suddenly occur - such as an epidemic- and eliminate the existence of mankind; but i digress!.
Perhaps mankind must first be destroyed in order to obtain a rebirth into a pure mental, physical, social state!. Maybe, since we (the Earth's people as a whole) have seemingly abused our chance for a utopian or peaceful society at best, the only direction it is possible to continue in is a downhill one!. The only way this can be avoided is by somehow inciting everyone, EVERYONE: countries of the world, politicians, reformers, everyone, to work together and change the state of affairs in all facets of the world around us!. If only we could all "see the forest through the trees"!. We all must think of our future, and the well being of all organisms which inhabit this planet, and not the very next moment in our lives!.
But this is not happening!.
All of the above is simply a musing that suddenly occurred to me!. It is not necessarily my personal and essential theory of the future of mankind!. Nor is this a good way to think; so negatively, but the only way that change can ever be brought about is to expose the corruptness, rather than obscuring and covering it!.
It just seems to me, that the only way at this point that society can be changed is for the "reset button" to be pushed!. The end of the world may be nearer than we think!. Try, even if it is in a small way, to make things better around you!. Plant a tree!. Share advice for improvement!. Promote hygiene!. Comfort people!. Random acts of kindness!. Ordinary people such as you and i may somehow be able to positively affect the state of the world and reverse the destruction which seems inevitable!.
Please forgive the extensive babble of which this answer was composed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com