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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the point of being creative when we can just copy things and get idea

Question: What's the point of being creative when we can just copy things and get ideas from the net/ other ppl!?
I am talking about the 99% of ordinary people who work/study and live an ordinary life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's called having taste or style!.

I am in the ordinary 99% lol but I don't do that!. Do you mean like stealing thoughts or just interests!? I am really picky so I think that is why I don't copy things!. I think a lot of people steal thoughts and ideas and claim them as their own and wouldnt admit to actually doing it!. Probably to make themselves sound smarter or different or cool!. I used to do it when i was like 14!.

For example: I see an outfit that someone else wore in a magazine I won't emulate it because I feel like its not 'me' and probably don't completely like it anyway!.!.!. but I'll take what I like from it and put it together with stuff I already do like!. Get it!? or it will inspire me to do it my own way!. So I guess in a way I am kind of copying too!.

As for thoughts I like to figure out stuff for myself!. But if I read something from somewhere I don't necessarily believe it right away or repeat I think about it first to see if I agree and i wont act like i came up with it!. You can always learn from other people though I just did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thinking or learning to do so helps one in all aspects of his or her life, just as learning to still the continuous flow of thoughts or mental chatter in ones mind is also helpful!.

Copying or taking others thoughts is immoral as it is stealing and such degrades the individual who does such!.

Is any life "ordinary" and how is one truly different from all others as all others are simply reflections of ones self!?

All are one!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I get your point here, it is disheartening to share your ideas or to try and express yourself when things you have produced from your very soul are accredited to another, but you still need to be creative and express your unique ideas in the world for the sake of your own being, and one way or another what you have to say may help others in the world!. It would be more just and probably better if credit were given where credit is due, but it is probably worse to deny expressing your own creativity out of fear of another claiming the glory!.

For the record, the sharing of knowledge and ideas is a fundamental and useful thing!. I think it's great that people can have access to the ideas of other people through the internet, as long as those ideas are used in a fair way to promote growth and personal wisdom!. You don't have to claim to have built the first mousetrap in order to build a newer, better one!. Give credit to those whose wisdom has enhanced your own and have inspired you to express that which was buried within yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What are you talking about!? 99% That sounds so effetist!. There are very few people I have ever met who did not have creativity in some form or another!. Maybe they do not come up with new ideas everyday or even one big one, but they give each idea they ply their unique spin, a creative spin!. And I have yet to meet some one who leads an ordinary life!. If you think they do, what ever that is, maybe should ask them about it!. You make an error if you attempt to judge the center by the circumstance of the surface!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As one of the 99% I'd start by saying being creative feels good!. It might entertain or educate people around us and help us to socialise!. It might help us to be more successful in our work/study and ordinary life!. For a talented few it might even allow them to make the leap into your superlative 1%!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do some people try to become the leaders of a company when they can live a more than lavish life as the sub-leader!.!.!.!.

here are 2 reasons!.!.!.!.

if u want 2 b known then u have 2 introduce, think of something new, something creative!.!.!.!.it gives u distinction!.!.!.and u might go down in history!.!.!.!.

a lot of ppl are naturally creative, they dont try 2 be, but its just in them!.!.!.!.a!.k!.a!.!.!.!.creative ppl!.!.!.im sure u knw many of those types :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

'copying things' just means you limit yourself to a mediocre life before you know what you're capable of!.

it also means you also don't know what you actually think, and are more prone to being manipulated!.

it means your life is small!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you do something yourself instead of having someone else do it you have a sensed of accomplishment that is the point of being creative because copying g things just isn't the same!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know being creative means that you dont have as many people like you so it can be very frustrating!. I think creative people are and those who aint shouldn' feel pressed to become creative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is the point of having sex when we can read about it on the internet!? These questions have the same answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we use those as a motivation for our creativity!. Think of the many famous artists and their motivations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com