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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is change necessary?

Question: Is change necessary!?
that is always necessarily a good thing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Since change is a fact, it follows that it must be necessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the rate of change that can be a problem!. The move from a feudal agricultural ,traditional society increased the rate of change!. It also introduced more mechanisms for change!. For example we moved to a culture that privileged rationality and questionning over tradition and conservatism so we have gone from a traditional to an industrial society!.
Since then - to the next big change to a consumerist society!. So the key social mechanism of 'NOW' is that we must privilege change over everything else otherwise we won't keep buying things!. So now we have built in obsolescence!. So now we have an economy that threatens the environment, that means the planet , the world we live in!.
We desperately need another change and fast- but how do we do that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure what sort of change you aer referring to!? But its inevitable, the only permanent thing in life is change!. Nothing ever stays the same!. The people who are happier in life tend to have the skill of being able to adapt, to be flexible!. One of the best skills you can possess it that of coping with change and adapting to circumstances!. All change is somewhat stressful even so-called good changes!. Humans like routine and predictability!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you mean change as a person or change on the outside!?
if you want to change a a person make sure you know what you're doing, add good points to your life and dont let people miss the old you!. see if they like you the way you are first!.
if you want to change on the outside, dont make yourself look plastic, if you know what i mean!. make yourself look refreshingly natural!. that blows people away, really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

change can seem good or bad, it really doesn't matter to nature -- we will change, the stuff around us will change, and it's not a matter of it being a good or bad thing, as we'd call it!.

even from our own points of view, i'd guess, whether or not a particular change is "good" or "bad" changes as time passes!. for instance, when tried smoking at a young age, i thought to myself "this is a change for the better, because xyz"!.!.!. then, 10 years later, when i was quitting smoking, i thought, "boy, that getting into smoking was a change for the worse!"

the judgment changes with my attitudes, my place in time, my surroundings, even the time of day or whether or not i ate a full breakfast can alter what i think about a change!.

best not to judge "good" or "bad", unless we qualify "seemingly good/bad"
because really, stuff in general isn't just "good" or "bad", it's usually just a description of a set of circumstances, with the circumstances themselves offering no particular value judgment!.

it's US that does the value judgments, and our judgments aren't static -- they're always changing!.

the changes themselves aren't anything at all, they just happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, i think it is!. you see, we are living in a world where evrything is in fast track, and the only way to survive is to change!. if you asked this question, maybe you have doubts about changing things in your life!. it may not be easy, but to have the initiative to make a difference is a step!.
hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to ride the bus in my town, change is necessary - unless you have a token!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not always for the best but - Change Is Inevitable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com