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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you know what my symbol [avatar] means?

Question: Do you know what my symbol [avatar] means!?
I thought I was being creative when I made my symbol picture!. It has true meaning!. It is not just a backwards E!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
! =1 !?
? = there exists(or at least one!?)
?! = "there exists exactly one"
so truth!?
when something is exactly something it is truth!?

:? i like this one "everywhere" or equivalent too that of another amount °O° ~FUNWww@QuestionHome@Com

So you are unique, there is no one like you!. Be glad this is not the Jet Li movie where he was attacked by an Evil alternate version of himself who was traveling through all known parallel universes via the transphasic interdimensional warp drive engine who was intent on regaining all his individual Ki energy from the BALANCE!. Our Jet Li, the noble one who didn't mind not being Mr too cool for school everyday, prevails but the bad guy, actually a rogue time cop does not die because if he does his Ki goes to the good guy and this will destroy the space-time continuum!.

All theoretical maths aside, did you conciously intend it to signify a higher math representational integer or did you just think a backwards E was cool!? If you did not know the alternate meanings of this symbol does it really mean these things for you!? If you seek to make it true I do not envy your struggle but I salute it!.

And cribber, I saw Marshall dance at the Copa in Flint back in the dinosaur days of Bush #1, he is this symbol, true story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eminem uses it as his symbol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's iE upsidedownWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don`t know!. What is it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com