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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is "Survival of the Finest" the new world rule?

Question: Is "Survival of the Finest" the new world rule!?
I don't know if its a new rule but is it a rule that we humans have developed!? "Finest" as in a flower that is pretty!. The flower would die if it wasn't cared for by humans, so its not survival of the fittest, but finest!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are thinking of artificial selection!. This is the process where humans select certain animals to breed in hopes of their offspring having desirable traits!.

Not all artificial selection is based on beauty!. Domestic pigs (and other farmed animals), for example, have been artificially selected for centuries to grow very large very quickly!. This hardly makes them "fine" in the sense of being beautiful!.

The most common example is probably dogs!. Nearly all of the dog breeds in existence today are due to artificial selection!. Sometimes the human breeders were looking for physical beauty and sometimes for specific abilities!. If there was one principle behind artificial selection, I guess it would be something like "Survival of the most desired by humans!." (Although, since biologists use "fittest" to simply mean the organism which most successfully pass on it's genes, "survival of the fittest" would still apply to artificial selection!.)

Of course, the vast majority of organisms on earth are not subject to artificial selection anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is definetly a human trait!. After all a "fine" face once launched thousands of ships to save her from her kidnappers (although she ran away), and many on both sides died for her, for one reason or another!. She was considered to be one of the most beautiful women in the world!. Only "fittest" are capable of protecting the "finest" So the finest will be around as long as the strongest are there to protect them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Most fit' (in the Darwinian sense) simply means the one that has the best characteristics for survival within the environment in which it exists!. If part of that includes being 'fine' (in some sense) so that others in the environment take care of you then yes, it's survival of the finest!.


i kind of agree, but i would say it's more survival of the profitable, and sometimes, pretty is profitable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is the law of artificial evolution!. also called breeding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those who thrive are those who simulate success!.Www@QuestionHome@Com