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Position:Home>Philosophy> If the future exists, then why...?

Question: If the future exists, then why!.!.!.!?
First of all, if the future exists, then I believe there is a time machine already in existance, however I would like to further ask why hasn't the future come back for our time!? or have they!? Maybe they just haven't dialed back to our exact time, just to a time a few years in front!? and if it was a few years from now, then would we witness it!? What the hell!? Now i'm confused!. Is the future watching us, some 2 million years away!? Or noT!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The future does not yet exist!. It is a nebulous cloud of probabilities yet to be realized!. We stand on the end of the rope of time gazing into the cloud perplexed as to where the next strand of events will lead with any certainty!.

The only time travel we indulge in is to travel from time zone to time zone ahead of the sun and find we have left before we had begun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, time is not a man-made illusion!. If time did not exist, how could humans have made the illusion!? To create an illusion takes, well, time, and if you don't have time to start with, you won't be able to move from point 1 (no illusion of time) to point 2 (having the illusion of time)!.

Enough of that!. There could be a number of answers to your question!. Perhaps time travel is physically impossible!? I had thought that was the thinking of many physicists today!.

Or, if it is possible, perhaps, due to uncertainties about what would happen if they went back and influenced the past, future potential time travelers agreed to avoid going back in time!. Or perhaps time travel caused the universe to implode and they all died shortly after inventing time travel!. There are a number of possibilities, all of which are just speculation!. I prefer the simple answer of just saying that the future does not exist yet, which is why it is the future!.

Don't torment yourself with questions that are impossible to answer!. There are more than enough interesting, important, and solvable problems right here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well after some point time becomes distance not a minutes!. So if they traveled back they did things, but logically it wouldn't be permitted if a time machine was made, to go around and get noticed!.!. 2 million years, what exactly is happening now that would make them come back this far!. Are we dinosaurs and gigantic compared to the future humans!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The future !.!.!. Is past now !.!.!. And if the future for me is to whr

ite this word Like THis !.!.!. Then It's up to me to control an already controled destination!.

So, you have the choises to make the differences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go and read the Timeliner Trilogy by Richard Meredith!. He explains it all in book 3!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doesn't matter!. Time is a man-made illusion, a state of mind!. It only exists because you believe it to exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't need to invent just a time machine, but a machine also capable of travelling extreme distances, and navigating unknown space!.

If you went back in time just one hour, the rotation of the Earth would land you 1700 Kilometers from your start point!. Wouldn't matter though, because the Earth travels around the sun at 110,000 KM/hour, so the point in space you occupy now wasn't even on the planet an hour ago!.

And so on - the solar system is moving through the galaxy, the galaxy is moving through the cluster, etc!., etc!. You are, in fact, travelling at millions of miles per hour from any given point in space (and accelerating)!. There's nothing magic about the Earth!. Traveling back in time will land you in the same spot in space, but Earth won't be there!. You won't even be in the solar system!. More than a few days, you may not even be in the galaxy!. And of course, you'd have to hope a sun doesn't occupy the space you time travel to!.

So a time traveller would also have to be a space traveller!. And a space/time navigator!. There won't be any signposts telling where in the universe the Earth is at any given time in history!.

Therefore, if a time machine is invented, the traveller would be severely limited as to how far back they go since every moment backward is an extreme distance of space to travel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com