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Position:Home>Philosophy> If a butter yellow pencil line on a blank page also serves as a slot for happine

Question: If a butter yellow pencil line on a blank page also serves as a slot for happiness to pour through, what then!?
However, if a dark pencil line on a blank page also serves as a slot for darkness to pour through, do the choices we make have consequences beyond our understanding!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course our choices have consequences beyond our understanding!. Here's an example, a psychiatrist that I know well used to say that he didn't have a legacy becuase he wasn't a father!. I strongly objected sighting the fact that even if he didn't at the time have his own children, he affected children through his helping their parents!. Some thing you do for someone or don't do for someone not only affect that person but the other people around him or her that you don't see!. I deal with a lot of kids through being a Girl Scout leader, a tutor and just being around the friends of my daughter!. I know that I've helped some of those children with problems that they had with their parents and other family members!. There for indirectly I've also affected those family members and maybe through them someone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every choice we make has consequences that we do not know of!. People we may not even know are effected by the choices we make!. They suffer and rejoice with the effects of our choices on their life, even if they don't know what we did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

About choices, I think the Devil is in the details!. Do we choose light or darkness!? Why do we make the choices we do!? Perhaps destiny steps in and guides our actions, whether we know it or not!. In the end, all is confusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com