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Question: Superficiality!.!?
Is anyone else tired of superficiality in our lives!. people saying "hi, how are you!?" without meaning it, and Im forced to say that stuff at work!. It goes against my beliefs!. I know its courtesy and good service, but I dont like small talk!. why do we do small talk!? I feel its a waste of energy and words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It IS a waste and I 100% agree with you!.

It's because people are fake and try to seem nice with this small talk to cover up the fact that they don't really care about you, or how you are, and aren't that nice in reality!.

I'm glad someone understands my point of view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is nothing wrong with small talk and making friendliness!. But there is something wrong with putting on a show!.!.!. I hate illegitimacy from customer service!. I love it when they are legitimately friendly!.!.!. but that is difficult to tell some times!. I dont condone any business that asks their own employees to be fake to turn a profit!.

You want to talk about superficiality!?

Do you buy the latest fashion clothing!? The most stylish cellphone or ipod or car!? Do you concern yourself with style!? Do you put on make-up!? Do you compare yourself to women in beauty magazines or television actresses!? Have you ever wanted to model!? Have you considered plastic-surgery!? Do you lack self-confidence because of what you think you do/dont look like!? Do you wear clothing that reveals skin or your emphasizes your natural shape!?

I find that superficiality comes in many forms!. When its about looks, its not always about rejecting people for their inadequate looks!.!.!.!. sometimes, and quite usually, its about objectifying ones self!.

If you judge yourself or have personal or social habits based around making yourself as sexually or socially appealing as you can, conforming to what you think is the social norm/stereotype, instead just being yourself with no regard for what others think!.!.!. then you are superficial!.

No offense, but I find most women in our society to be more superficial when it comes to themselves than men could ever be to them!. Think about it!. A lot of the sexual-objectifying that occurs in our society is due to women judging women!.

Any sort of social prejudice based around identifying people by their body traits and assuming personality traits to them!.!.!. is superficial!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We can only control ourselves!. If you don't want to know how someone is, don't ask!. You are not forced to ask that question, you choose to ask!. You are not being forced to have a job that requires socialization, you chose it!. The question is, what is this situation teaching you!? There are no accidents or coincidences!. Everything that happens has a purpose!. So you have to ask yourself, why did I choose this situation!? What am I trying to teach myself!? Only you have the answer!. Complaining only serves to make you miserable!. Learn the lesson and move on!. Life is short so don't waste it doing things you don't enjoy!. We make our own heaven and hell!. So step out of the fire if it is uncomfortable!. There are always choices!. Choose your bliss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you give enough time to it, every type of conversation will appear superficial to you!. We get used to hearing some tags, but that doesn't mean the other person is just using them inertly!. Know when other people really feel like asking you how you are!. If we remove from our lives the things that repeat, we will end up never starting a conversation at all!.
On the other hand, there ARE people who abuse of tags and don't seem to think while they speak or put attention when you talk to them!. I'm sure you can find people from whom it's no bother to hear "How are you!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Small talk and idle chit chat is a way of affirming friendship, a way of setting the mind at ease!. If this small talk didn't happen then people would be bitter!. Having tried to extract myself from society, it showed how few people cared but it made me feel better at the end of the episode when 2 people came up to me and started talking to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your talking my language, i know what you mean, im like why waste time on something that isnt even worth saying or doing!.

some people are naturally communicative but some are not, either way its always good than not talking, humans are social animals and communication is the one thing that really sets us apart, and keep things civilized!. wait a few more million years and maybe 1 day we would feel that small talk isnt so bad at all!. maybe its just a way of keeping our voice mechanisms flexed and in check!. remember were far from being a perfect speciesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love it when someone asks how I am cause the I say well I am glad you asked cause
I am a blood bought spirit taught
wide eyed sanctified
bible toten scripture quoten
satan bashin sin trashin
faithfull walkin gospel talkin
bonified big time beleiver
and proud of it and I can say it fast and in one breath and people like it so life is what you make it it can be fun or a burdan i chose to be happy and I guesse it is cause jesus lives in my heart you can ask him to live in yours and he will give you joy blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted smile cause the jesus in me loves youWww@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't consider small talk to be superficial, it's more of just a warm way of conversing with other people!. I know what you mean, but you can't expect people to just launch into a random conversation with complete strangers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com