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Question: Who is plato!?
I am doing a some research on him and I need your helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Plato is a philosopher and scholar who lived between 427 and 347 BC!. Plato was a student of Socrates!. He later formed the first known "university" called the Academy!. Plato's best known work is The Republic and his best known concept is the Theory of Forms!.

We know much about Plato's teachings, because he wrote dialogues between Socrates and others that would explore philosophical issues!. These dialogues would be used in his school as starting points for discussion; these discussions and Plato's final word on the dialogues have all been lost to us!. The Platonic dialogues consist of Socrates asking questions of another and proving, through these questions, that the other person has the wrong idea on the subject!. Initially, Plato seems to have carried on the philosophy of Socrates, concentrating on the dialectical examination of basic ethical issues: what is friendship!? what is virtue!? can virtue be taught!? In these early Platonic dialogues, Socrates questions another person and proves, through these questions, that the other person has the wrong idea on the subject!. These dialogues never answer the questions they begin with!.


"There is only one fundamental issue in philosophy: the cognitive efficacy of man’s mind!. The conflict of Aristotle versus Plato is the conflict of reason versus mysticism!.

"It was Plato who formulated most of philosophy’s basic questions—and doubts!. It was Aristotle who laid the foundation for most of the answers!.

"Thereafter, the record of their duel is the record of man’s long struggle to deny and surrender or to uphold and assert the validity of his particular mode of consciousness!.

"The Aristotelian revival of the thirteenth century brought men to the Renaissance!. The intellectual counter-revolution [From Immanuel Kant onward] turned them back toward the cave of his antipode: Plato!.

"Throughout history the influence of Aristotle’s philosophy (particularly of his epistemology) has led in the direction of individual freedom, of man’s liberation from the power of the state !. !. !. Aristotle (via John Locke) was the philosophical father of the Constitution of the United States and thus of capitalism !. !. !.

"!.!.!.it is Plato and Hegel, not Aristotle, who have been the philosophical ancestors of all totalitarian and welfare states, whether Bismarck’s, Lenin’s or Hitler’s!."

Review of J!.H!. Randall’s Aristotle,
The Objectivist Newsletter, May 1963, 19!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An overly pompous Greek philosopher!. He created the Atlantis myth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you just asked would make his life work worth while!.

Good job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was some guy famous for his retreat, no!?Www@QuestionHome@Com