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Position:Home>Philosophy> If a question is asked to gain knowledge, how could the question be offensive?

Question: If a question is asked to gain knowledge, how could the question be offensive!?
Please include why or why not, and examples!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm reminded of what Socrates says in his Apology!. Before he was sentenced to death he spoke about being the gadfly of athens who went around stinging people in their intellectual sleep!. How did he do this!? He did this by asking questions, for early on in the Apology Socrates explains why he used the "Socratic Method" (the method of cross-examination) in order to prove whether or not the Oracle at Delphi response to one of Socrates' friend's questions was true or not!. The question was, of course, "who is the wisest in the world!?" and the Oracles' response was "Socrates"!. Socrates set out to test this by asking those who were considered to be wise (Politicians, Poets, and even the local trades people)!. Thinking themselves wise they were not and Socrates, thinking himself not wise, found that this is what made him the wisest!. Around the same time in the Apology Socrates says that the people of Athens were angry with him for asking questions!. They were angry with him because they were unable to answer his questions and found that when this happend that their ignorance was revealed!. I believe even Socrates says that when people are forced to confront their ignorance they can be very angry, and asking questions is a way of making someone deal with whether they are wise enough to answer or not!. Whatever is caused by another that also causes ill emotions in us, like anger or disappointment, is considered to be offensive and since as Socrates in his Apology has shown that questioning can be a cause of ill-emotions: therefore, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, any question that is remotely offensive on this forum would simply freak Yahoo out and they ban you almost immediately!.

Many of the current important questions ,(why, overall are black people poorer than white!? why can't white men jump!? etc!.) although they are very valid and need to be answered, deal with stereotypes that we have forced upon ourselves!. So basically you question society itself, and people don't like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Basically it couldn't be, unless you're making false or offensive assumptions in the question, like "Why are all white people stuck up rich so-and-so's!?" because you're assuming all white people are a bad thing in asking your question, you could change this to "are all white people stuck up rich so-and-so's!? if so, why!?"!.
So you've got to be politically correct in asking questions about sensitive subjects like race and religion!. Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As long as the question is asked sincerely (that is, as long as you genuinely want an answer, and nothing more) it is not, in itself, offensive!.

I got reported recently for asking why black and asian people generally have black hair and brown eyes!. I certainly didn't intend any offense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most question which are offensive, are not asked to gain knowledge, they are asked to insult, degrade, or demean someone through acting as though that person does not know what they are asking!.

Prime example: http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The question is very broad but here I go
An example is; if you were asking to gain knowledge about my private life it would be offensive in my eyes!.
if you were asking to gain knowledge about someone fat pants size it would be offensive!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has nothing to do with intention!.

Offense is taken by the receiver!. It is their choice!.

Just like Harassment issues!. Intention does NOT matter!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would you give me your credit card details please!? Do you mind if I sleep with your wife to increase my knowledge!? Do you know your getting on my t*ts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the subject matter and HOW you word the question to ask it in the first place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When the ones being asked take offense !. Because you are seeking truth they choose you not to have !.Www@QuestionHome@Com