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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should there be such a thing as an offensive question? Why or why not?

Question: Should there be such a thing as an offensive question!? Why or why not!?
Please, no one liners, I'm looking for answer that have reasoning as evidence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A question that seems to attack a person in some way can be offensive!.
IE:"Why don't you look it up, idiot!?"

Basically, the way a question is worded can make the difference!.
IE:"Have you researched that!?"

One can be polite and still request the same information!.
Asking a question in a way that upsets another person will only cause the dialog to degenerate into a cyber shouting match and doesn't really help anybody to gain the desired information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are definitely offensive questions, that are in fact asked with the intent to offend!.

There are other questions that touch on subjects that some hearers may find offensive, touching on subjects about which they are sensitive!. In many cases the perception that the question is offensive is false, is simply an oversensitivity on the part of the recipient!. It would be nice to live in a world where neither situation occurred, but it is not going to happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An offensive question would be one that the listener considers to be inappropriate, too personal, insulting, derogatory, or insinuating something that is untrue!.

A mild exampIe : I missed a phone call from a friend when she called around 1pm!. When I spoke to her later, I explained that I had missed her phone call because I was taking a shower!. She responded with surprise "You were just getting up at 1pm!?" I found myself explaining defensively " People take showers all times of the day, not just when they get out of bed!. " and proceeded to give her examples!.

Mind you , I thought she was stupid for insinuating that I had slept half the day away, yet I felt defensive and felt compelled to explain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actually yes, there is such a thing as an offensive question!. matters that aren't appropriate for others may seem offensive to people, for example: certain issues/conversations that are discussed with you and your friend are normally not discussed with!.!.say your mother because that wouldn't seem respectful!. remember, people have different ways of maintaining a code of communication and somewhere in that line, offense can spread like fire if words are not expressed appropriately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! These are the questions that are offensive!. That's why it is clearly provided and set forth as one of the Y/A Guidelines!. Offensive questions are those that hurt the feelings of other people or any questions that may be hitting other people below the belt!. Most often times these are already deleted by the Y/A Team once it is already reported!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think if you ask a question and it violates someone elses ethical or moral code then you will be seen to have asked an offencive question!.

If you believe something and someone else slates it, you will feel your beliefs have been attacked and you will feel offended!. This often results in defensiveness!

Some people are more easily offended than othes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com