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Position:Home>Philosophy> Smile to the infinite delight and wonder of the universe?

Question: Smile to the infinite delight and wonder of the universe!?
this phrase makes me feel good!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i prefer the word muffin!. it is a pleasant word that means warmth and goodness to me!. we all have different things that make us feel good!. mine is just the word muffins i don't even have to eat them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thought has to be based on more than just "feel good" phrases that don't make much sense!.

There must be quite a few phrases that would make you feel good but you also have to realize that you are throwing words around that don't make much sense!. I have to guess that you like the words "infinite", "delight", "wonder" and "universe", and you like to treat the universe as something that is conscious and aware of your existence, and somehow that is very good!.

But how manifest do you want your feel goodness!? Is this another form of hedonism with a new age spin!? Surely a part of you must realize that if you emphasize the pleasure that there is also the flip side of that, which is pain!?

I realize that my questions will sound negative to you but you do need some critical skills too!. Something to balance your "irrational exuberance"!.

Good Luck in finding a balance to your optimistic existentialism!. Read a little Camus to get yourself grounded and stay away from airplanes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Me too!.
The love of God!. The power of the universe, and the wisdom of the ages!.
So smiling it is!. Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel nothing, take something real not just cliche make me feel good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it makes me happy and thankful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

smile it is! why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com