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Position:Home>Philosophy> What did plato's job?

Question: What did plato's job!?
what was his job did he have a jobWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He was a professional teacher, taught Aristotle, and helped create Hitler (through Kant, Hegel, and Marx!.)

"Throughout history the influence of Aristotle’s philosophy (particularly of his epistemology) has led in the direction of individual freedom, of man’s liberation from the power of the state !. !. !. Aristotle (via John Locke) was the philosophical father of the Constitution of the United States and thus of capitalism !. !. !. it is Plato and Hegel, not Aristotle, who have been the philosophical ancestors of all totalitarian and welfare states, whether Bismarck’s, Lenin’s or Hitler’s!."

Review of J!.H!. Randall’s Aristotle,
The Objectivist Newsletter, May 1963, 19Www@QuestionHome@Com