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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you live in a "free country?"?

Question: Do you live in a "free country!?"!?
is your country freer than others!? which are the freest countries, US/ latin america!? eastern/ western europe/ asia/ africa!? how are these countries freer than others!? which is your own country, are you a free citizen there!? why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well to start there is no such thing as a truly free country!. There will always be laws!. Even if there were a true anarchy the "law" would be to do whatever you want and in that case others could harm you in whatever way they choose and then you would never be truly free!. The US is a country with many liberties!. We are allowed to think and speak as we like!. Our actions are more governed, but only to prevent harm to ourselves and others!. We are burdened though, by many social problems such as having the highest poverty rate and the highest infant mortality rate among industrialized nations, a disappearing middle class, lack of health insurance, and many cultural illnesses as well (one example would be that young girls think they have to look like super-models and be overtly sexual because the media images they get tell them that's all females are worth)!. So are we truly free!? I would think that countries that promote the well-being of their people are freer in the sense that their people can be free of some of the problems and anxieties that we have here in the US!. So I guess my answer is, it depends on your definition of freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since you asked in philosophy!.!.!.

I hope no country is ever truly "Free"!.

True freedom entails a total lack of government and regulation!.

It would be anarchistic and complete chaos!. There would be no justice!.

Society would fail, we would become nomadic!.!.!. there could be no structure to civilization, no promise that tomorrow will be any better if you work for your success!.

Governments give us rights to freedom!.!.!. but they also create laws that protect those rights!. In the long run, restriction exists not to limit your rights, but to protect everyone elses!. And to protect the government, itself, that yields you the rights they do!.

Personal limitations must exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

live in the Usa!.!.!. i Recently became old enough to drink!.!.!. while in germany i noticed there where babies drinking beer out of bottles!.!.!.!. i noticed their was a red light district near just about every major train station!. drugs where no big deal!.!.!. when i went to amsterdam they asked me if i wanted to donate money to the junky union to help stop the spread of aids!.!.!. i noticed many stupid things i should be arrested for i was free to do!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I live in Canada so we do enjoy a lot of equal and good rights that a lot of other countries lack!.

But since this is in philosophy, is any country a free country!? Can we really do as we please!? Nope!. We're more controlled than we thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

AUSTRALIA! "for we are young and FREE" we have freedom and equal rights, we can wear pretty much what we want, we have freedom of relgion and speech!.!.!.the list goes on!.!.!. australia is an awsum country! AUSSIE PRIDE!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Define free!. Each country has its freedoms under different circumstances, which rely on the type of government's and dominant religion's or culture's favorable allowances to the people it witholds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

China is the best answer!.
When disaster happens,all people can will help you!.
Such as earthquake in Sichuan and Snowstorm disaster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm in australia to, it is relatively one of the freeest countries in the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody lives in a free country!.
Everything costs money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I live in Australia and freedom is great here as long as you dont do anything illegal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our government tells us we are free, they tell us our stand in foreign policies, they tell us what and how to talk, democracy!. Why ever did they bother with World War 11!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am living in free country with responsibilitiesWww@QuestionHome@Com