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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think is beyond our universe?

Question: What do you think is beyond our universe!?
I've always thought about this!. I know that nobody know's whats out there but lets take some educated guesses!. I mean we have our universe, but there has to be something beyond that, and then something beyond that, etc!. Anyways i just want to know what others think, and if you believe there is other intelligent life forms out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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nothing!. our universe is existance, it is space, it is time, it is "isness"!. beyond that there is nothing, not even a beyond, since you need space for beyond!.

so it's a complete nothing, but not empty space, since there is no space!.

so in a way there isn't even nothing, because for there to be some nothingness that would be something, nothingness, but there is no nothing because nothing is there!.!.!. there isn't even a there for nothing to "be" in!.

so no distance beyond universe, no time beyond universe!. the universe is and that's it!.

but then you would wonder, what if i travelled to the edge what would happen if i tried to travel beyond it!?

but don't forget, you are as much that thing called universe as anything else, so for you to travel "beyond" the boundary you'd basically just be stretching out universe and always being on the edge of it, that's in fact what the edge is constantly doing!.

as for intelligent life forms!. there are sooo many stars out there and sooo many planets, i'm not exactly sure what are the specific conditions on earth that caused intelligence to evolve in the life here, but i find it really hard to believe that it couldn't have happened anywhere else in the whole universe!.
I just don't see that there is anything quite that rare about earth!.

i just found one estimate on a website, i don't know how trustworthy it is, but it seems to think that in 2005 the estimated number of earth like planets is 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!.

if that's right, then the odds of intelligent life evolving on an earth like planet, would need to be somewhat close to or smaller than 1 in 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!. to really say that it's really unlikely that there is no other intelligent life anywhere!. i don't think there is anything quite that rare about earth!.

wikipedia estimates there to be
9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars so it could be a reasonable number i think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe never ends, it has nothing beyond it, our mind's cant even begin to understand somethig that has no end, but it doesn't end!. but here is a thought for you!.

You know how on a radio station, or a tv station, you can switch channels, What if the universe we live in is on a certain channel of exisistance, and if you could find a way to switch the channel, you would find yourself in another universe!.
And what if there is no end to the number of channels you can switch to, to get to other universe's!.

How about them apples!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe that we know was supposedly created a few billion years ago!. But what was before that!? I would think another universe!. And a universe beyond that one and so on!. Of course, there is no way to actually tell if this is right!. I mean, anything could be on the outside!. Empty space, or simply nothing!. Some scientists think that the universe is ever expanding, and that there is no end to it!.

As for intelligent life forms, I would say yes!. I mean, this universe is so big, and there are so many stars and planets out ther, it's hard for me to imagine there NOT being any other intelligent life forms out there!.

I've thought about this a lot too!. It's pretty much driven me insane =) I would suggest reading some books about time and space!. They helped me a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that we, the human civilization, doesn't had the answer to that question never!. The universe that we Know is so huge, and the one that we dont know is bigger!. Every time i think about that topic( about if there is inteligent life or not) i get to a different conclution, but on every one of them the question and the fear of who we are and why we got the capasity to ask ourself that questions get bigger!. I think that other power exist, what is sure is that our power is really amazing!. We have been blessWww@QuestionHome@Com

The conventional definition of the term "universe" precludes the possibility of anything beyond it!. However, as we increase our understanding of what we've been calling the universe, the definition has begun to change and the concept is now a bit murky!. This can be understood in comparison to the concept of the atom, which originally was defined as the smallest indivisible entity possible!. At various times there were through to be 4 or 5 different elements, or types of atoms, then came the discovery that the entities that bore the most resembelence to that traditional concept were many, around 100 ordered elements!. Eventually, these things became known as atoms!. Then it was discovered that they weren't so indivisible after all!. They are made up of protons and neutrons, which are made up of quarks, which may be made up of superstrings, which themselves are the smallest possible entities, but still not necessarily indivisible!. So we changed what we mean by atom to be the smallest recognizable chunck of an element!.

Similarly, with the universe, it now seems to be a term applied to a self-contained space-time space-time system!. As such, it comes with it's own concept of space and time and the concept of "beyond" doesn't make much sense!. However, it may be connected to other universes according to several recent theories!. The set of all universes is commonly called the multiverse!. It is not at all clear that there are parallel universes, but there might be!. If there are no parallel universes, then there is nothing beyond it, space-time just wraps around on itself in an ever expanding system!. If there is a multiverse, then on the different theories, the other universes could be made up of something similar to anti-matter or anti-gravity, or they could be the different possible ways the universe could have evolved, they could be offshoots of our universe (and ours is an offshoot of others)!. There are other possibilities as well, but none are at all well established!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe is merely a sea of variables bounded by constants, or laws,

Where the universe goes beyond, comes in a new set of laws!.

The multiverse, the omniverse, the multitude of spaces where all possible outcomes for this and anyother universe comes into contact, where they are all balanced across each other, touching each other!. Beyond that, there is every possible dimension, although our understanding of "dimension" as a spatial concept seems to end with our understanding of the nature of reality!.

There are worlds other than these!.

In time, we shall come to know of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some scientists speculate that earth like planets are a semi rarity!. That rarity, however, still adds up to billions of earth like planets in the universe!. There is also multiverse theory!. The idea that we live in 1 universe that is part of many is just almost to big for me to wrap my brain around!. I think there has to be some sort of intelligent life out there somewhere!. I am not claiming they have visited us per say but I do think that if the conditions were right they could be out there somewhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The key word in your question is the world "OUR"

Our universe is simply one mathematical possibility, just as a program that runs on a computer is one of the computer's possibilities!. This is called digital philosophy, and the yahoo group dedicated to it has many great discussions on this subject!.

So, if you think of our universe as a program running on some giant computer hardware, the natural question is "Who is running this program, and why!?"

Digital philosophy sidesteps this question, and it does so pretty convincingly!. If we are but a large computer program, we don't care about the hardware running us!. We do the same thing, regardless!.

Although this sounds highly secular and atheistic, it really isn't!. In fact, this "ghost in the machine" concept implies there is a machine, or higher power, which is itself one of many possibilities!.

Beyond our universe is the set of all possible mathematical possibilities!. It has no limits because it is the true infinity by definition!. Our universe is but the smallest, insignificant part of that universe!.

I'm more spiritual than most of the cynics on the digital philosophy group!. I like to imagine the larger possibilities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're really curious, read up on "String Theory" and "Membranes"!. There's actually a PBS show, I think it was on Nova, all about String Theory, and that gave a better basic and visual representation of string theory and membranes!.

The idea is that the membranes are like sheets of universes stacked on top of each other!. (It's obviously not like that, but we cannot visually grasp the idea of stacked dimensions in 3D, so it's really just a visual metaphor!.) They are vibrating constantly over billions and billions of years!. And once in a while, they touch!. When that happens, there's a massive explosion of energy!.!.!. the big bang!.!.!. and the dimension particles from one membrane explode and accelerate outwards into the new dimension!.!.!. like ink dispersing in a liquid!.

Essentially every universe exists within every other universe!. It's like having a container that contains all of the containers that contain it!. Like I said, it's freaky to visualize!.

And yes, the intelligence of all existence is EVERYWHERE!. It's embedded in those "strings"!. It's not an all-knowing old man with a white beard, but if people have to use that visual metaphor to understand it, that's cool!. Not everyone is a physics and math major, and even scientists have to resort to visual metaphors sometimes!.

It's really fascinating though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is something that is and that has to be much more intelligent!.
Actually, being human beings means that and the fact is that we are to some extent limited to time and place in our thinking process, whenever these fade out we lose the capacity to comprehend!.
Let's take this example, if someone tells you that a war happened but its occurrence was not in the stone ages nor in the middle ages nor in our contemporary time nor in any other time but it has happened: in this instance one can not imagine this story since it is not bound to a time period!. Another example is that if someone tells you that there is a marvelous garden but it is not located on the earth nor in the sky nor in any of the stars and not in any place and so on but it is present, so in this case one also will not be able to understand some place not located in any place!.
I mean that there is and there has to be a power and only a single power to have the capacity for being able to create and control all of the things behind us including us from the most tiny to the most huge ones including the super giant stars and the black holes and so forth because if someone imagines the presence of multiple powers, so it will spoil in a second because of their conflicts for whom will take the super power, therefore there has to be a single, wise and more intelligent power behind us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm Chelsea, I'm not at all sure that there's intelligent life down here!

As to contemplating the infinite, well that's philosophy alright, but you'll be taken away to the asylum if you dwell on it!.

Sorry, forgot!. Care in the community now, Thatcher sold the land off to her mates for housing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Skatta is right; squishy is wrong!.

There is not even "nothing" out there beyond existence!. Existence exists only within the bounaries of existence itself!. I know that is a hard thing to get your mind around, but you cannot even say there is "nothing" out there without reifying "nothing!."

" 'Reification of the Zero' [ ] consists of regarding 'nothing' as a thing, as a special, different kind of existent!." Ayn Rand

And existence is not infinite!. It is very definitely finite, it has been measured, albeit crudely by the standards of tomorrow!.
We even know how much the Milky Way weighs!.

We also--crudely--know the size and shape of existence, and it is not round!. It expands at different rates in different places!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The universe is infinite!. It goes on forever theres no ending!.
There is one universe, not twelve!. The subject on intelligent life 100% I believe theres life on other planets!. It is what I believe, but there is so much evidence out there on the subject it's hard to be nieve, ya know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no way of knowing whats beyond our universe, if there is another universe, or if there are any intelligent life forms our there!. but i think that our universe is infinite, it just goes on forever, but i dont think that there oare other intellihent life formsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The most logical thing to say would be that there is almost know possible way out of billions or maybe trillions of planets that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe, there is life beyond the stars, and one day, we'll find it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a mitochondria!. Outside my universe is the universe of the being I live inside!.
I've loved that daydream since biology class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe there is an INFINITE number of universes beyond our own, now try looking at that in a circular way!. never ends!. But what's outside the circle !.!.!. of!.!. life :) lol!. !?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are billions and billions of other universes that r inhabited with so-called "aliens" that look somewhat like us but not exactly ei: they have extra legs or the r more intelligent then usWww@QuestionHome@Com

Beyond Universe there would be a Creator's Factor !.!.as above so bellow, behind of any creation there will be its creator!.!.!.as always are, at least on a human levels!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do think that there are intelligent life forms somewhere out there!. there's probably an entire planet with them, and they must be thinking the same thing in their minds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing!. Limitation to existance only applies here on earth!. Unless you believe in fairy tales like the bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

space!.!.!.dont believe that a higher power would have us all here for nothing with out letting us know there are more of us somewhere elseWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is a probibility that there could be aliens out there but i dont really believe in themWww@QuestionHome@Com

God's house and the universe has a whole lot of stars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alot! more universes, and stars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com




i think heaven alreadyWww@QuestionHome@Com

