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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think things would be like if we could see the future but not rememb

Question: What do you think things would be like if we could see the future but not remember the past!?
thats all just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You wouldnt experience anything!.

You would have no memory of the past, and so no personality shaped from memory!. You would have no skills at interpreting and processing your perceptions!.

You would pretty much be a vegetable, incapable of functioning!.

You would know the future, but what would it entail!? You wouldnt understand what youre seeing!. You are non-functional, your existence could be nothing but staring at the wall!. You wouldnt even know that you need to eat!. Every moment you will feel the hunger to eat, but not know what it is, with no memory that you had just felt hungry the moment before, and you wouldnt know what to do for it in the moment, and you would have no incentive from the immediate past to do anything about it!.

As soon the future you see comes to pass, it becomes the past, and you would have forgotten you saw it!. As your life windles down to a close, your future becomes smaller and smaller, until there is nothing to see!. You will die with no memories, no personality, and no expectations of a future to exist beyond you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We wouldn't have technology!. We would be primal vegetables!. Would we even be able to walk!? I highly doubt we would even continue to exist!. Would we even be able to do much of anything, or would the "instinct" of survival kick in!. Whos to say animals can't already see the future, but they just accept it and continue with there lives, hence them not being able to be civilized like humans!. What if humans are the acception to everything, and can remember the past, and not see the future!?


I assume by not remembeing past, you mean your life and history!. Not common things, like eating sleeping!.

Well technically you wouldn't see anything at all, because time is constantly moving, and if you can remember the past, you live with and in the future, till there is nothing for you to see because your dead!.

Theoretically, you'd be the key to the ultimate society, because you could tell people what they are going to do, or how to reach things faster!. YOu'd most likely be assianiated by the time its all said and done, that kind of power is too much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we would not remember a thing we would see things go by and not remember what happend!. for example lets talk future talk "that train will break down at any moment"

saying that do we know why it will break down!. If we were to look in the past to see why that train will brak down at any moment then we can say that the train has been through so much that it has the right to break down!. It may be extremely old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By remembering the past, we make choices based on the consequences of previous choices!.

If we could see the future, it would mean that the future is already determined and there is no choice!. Ever!. We would simply continue doing whatever we were seeing, or else we wouldn't be seeing it!. Sounds dull!.

Although!.!.!. as it is, people really seem to aspire to predict or know the future!. Maybe if it were reversed, we would ache to understand or remember our past!. I'd rather know where I've been than where I'm going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be like the life of a goldfish in the tank!. We will think that what we are experiencing every moment all our life!.

If we got hungry we would think that we have been hungry all our life!.

If we got mad we would think we've be made all our life!. and would become senile before our time!.

And people will live in the moment and not in the pass like they do in the way things are now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Then you are living the 'now' !.!.!. And you don't know the future !.!.!.As it is now!. You just forgot the past !.!.!.!.BUT ! !.!.!.If Your future became past you already have one 'now'Www@QuestionHome@Com

We would just automatically perform the future that we see and the past wouldn't matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cannot know where you're going if you don't know where you've been!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think cogitoergosum hit it on the head!. And it seems as if it would be pretty boring at best!.


you would repeat mistakes possibly!. I think that has been said before though!. Still seems to be true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com