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Position:Home>Philosophy> How could i get some adventure in my life?

Question: How could i get some adventure in my life!?
i see all these movies!.!.!. and it really makes me wanna do something reckless!. how can i satisfy my adventure craving without killing myself!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a great question!. My answer would be to allow yourself to dream a little!. Get a piece of paper and write down some things that you would like to do in your life!. It doesn't matter how impossible they seem, just write them down!. Next, think about ways that you could accomplish them!. Years ago I did this, and it is amazing how many of the things I accomplished!. I've traveled the world, and done things that I never would have imagined I could do, simply because I set them as a goal!.

Another thing that might help you is to try learning something new, or try creating something!. I think these two urges that we have often get supressed!. I have a friend who said they never feel happy unless they are able to create something!. Whether you draw a picture, or write a story, or song, creating helps fill the need to stretch ourselves!.

Whatever you do, remember that our actions have consequences!. We can choose our actions, but we can't choose the consequences!. Driving 100 miles an hour on the freeway might look fun in the movies, but could result in loss of life in real life!. And remember that all movie stars have a stunt double for a reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well dear, you can just sit in that armchair, and enjoy, what they call nowadays Virtual Adventure, getting your feet wet, your shirt torn, jump from the plane, without getting killed!. Or else joint Peace Core! I can't guarantee the getting killed part!. On the other hand, you could have a heart attack and die just sitting in that chair, or get hit crossing the road!. Life is not safe ANYWHERE, AS THERE IS NO GUARANTEES AS TO HOW LONG YOU ARE HERE FOR!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do something-- anything and follow the road it takes you!.

Go outside and walk around-- it won't work the first time or the second ,but eventually you will see something that surprises you and makes you think-- follow where it leads!.

Take day trips to interesting towns and natural parks-- you'll see people doing fun things like rockwall climbing -cliff climbing- just follow and you'll be having an adventure before the summer is out

camping, fishing, nature trails

The world is yoursWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do stuff you don't normally do!.!.!. Be abit reckless (not too much)!.!.!. and just don't be afraid to look wierd!.!.!. just scream!.!.!. laugh out loud!.!.!. don't care what others think!.!.!. and do stuff you're not supposed to do!.!.!. nothing illegal or drinking, sex and stuff!.!.!. none of that!.!.!. just things normally you wouldn't be caught dead doing!.!.!. half the fun is twisting the rules and the possibility of getting caught!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be spontanious, but careful about what you choose to do!. Simple really!. Plan a trip to another country!. If money is an issue, be adventurous about getting there!. You can backpack or hike through Europe, ride its train for a dollar a day or so!. Or!. Joyride across the country;!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try reading a book called "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield!. Ultimately, it's about making life about a different kind of adventure!.

It's not the only book out there that can lead you to this adventure, but it may be one you'd like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

video games, reckless video games!. Tombraider is the popular reckless video game for women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

join the freakin U!.S!. Military!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Walk up in to the mountains !. Stay over night and walk back !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

play bingoWww@QuestionHome@Com