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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your opinion on this matter?

Question: What is your opinion on this matter!?
According to ethical standards- which is "worse"!? A Christian who has an affair, or an atheist who is morally sound!? A Christian who embezzles millions of dollars , or an atheist who steals some bread for his family!? A Christian who goes to church but never tithes, donates time, or volunteers, or an atheist who donates money and time to numerous organizations!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
According to ethical standards Atheists would be the ethical people in this example!. That said, that does not mean that I believe that either of these people would be better because one is Christian or Atheist or otherwise!. Atheists can steal and have affairs too!. I think this question is tilted, purposely, to make one say an Atheist is better or more ethical even if it only in the example you have given!. In my opinion, that is the definition of unethical right there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the worse thing is always the thing that is more wrong!. any person who has an affair is more wrong than being morally sound no matter what their religion or lack there of!. stealing millions of dollar is worse than a loaf of bread!. and it is always good to donate time and money again no matter what you believe!. having morals doesn't mean that you are a religious person and a person with no religion is not always an amoral person!. actually they are more likely to have principles that they live their life by and don't compromise them as much as people do with their religion!. we can ask God for forgiveness but everyone knows it is harder to forgive yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your questions are based on a false premise: Athiests are naturally evil!. Christians are naturally good!.

Ethics are not restricted to Christians!. Being a Christian does not automatically make one an ethical person!. People are pretty much the same regardless of labels!. In every race, nationality, religious belief there are good and bad!. One can NOT believe in any God but still believe in the goodness of man, in caring, in sharing!. One can believe in a God and justify criminal acts or believe that he is exempt from the rules!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since ethics rely on following the path of what you have learned and believe to be correct and proper, I'll go with a well-schooled, righteous atheist!.
A well-schooled, righteous Christian who espouses his faith and hides behind it, while all the time ignoring the behaviors expected, is called a Hypocrite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is completely true!. I am catholic, and I see so many people that say they are christian because they go to church, but as soon as they walk out the door, its right back to making fun, stealing, lying, etc!. I am not saying all christians are this way, but I know a lot more that are!. I prefer an atheist verses a christian that brags about himself on how good he is, where he isn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Isn't Atheism modernity's answer to classic religion, thus a religion of its own, paying homage to the T!.V!. and tithing to the local bar or pub!?

That's my opinionWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Christian is Christian in name only, if he/she does what you say!.
It's not your religion, but your behavior and good judgement that makes you a decent person! Spread the love!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Atheist looks more like a real religious person who practices everything what the religions says!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someone's bitterWww@QuestionHome@Com

my opinion on this matter would be a christian would be worse than a atheistWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow nice way to offend christians!. let christians be christians and athiests be atheists and leave it that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in this case, atheists are the better people :)Www@QuestionHome@Com