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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we want to know what we dont know?

Question: Why do we want to know what we dont know!?
i have come to the conclusion that if you know what you didmt know then what you dont know becomes smaller as we cant know everything theres a huge chunk of my mind that doesnt know its my great unknown as more becomes known the remaining unknown becomes less attractive based on what has been revealed to me by my unknown ,,,wanting to know is a mystery trap and time is passing faster than ever so i say bugger the mystery the moment im in is more much more than what i do or do not know ,,,,,,am i wrong if so do feel free to point out thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would agree!. The moment contains all there is!. Knowledge does not help really in understanding the moment, in fact what we know will only prevent us from knowing what we don't know!.

Fortunately we don't have to know in order to be, a baby proves that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is obviously some matter of concern to you which you are reluctant to disclose!. If you tell us what the real problem is we can have a shot at giving you a sensible answer!.

It only makes sense to worry about what you do not know in something that is tangible!. For instance if you want to know how to fix some gadget but you do not know how to do it, you can try and get information on how to tackle the job!.

It is pointless to worry about things beyond your control!. For instance why worry about information that you do not and cannot expect to have access to!? (eg military secrets that governments are aware of which influence the actions they take)!. This sort of information is unknown to the vast majority of humanity!.

Finally some things cannot ever be 'known' (eg whether there is a god or not), so how can you expect to get a definitive answer on that matter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is remeniscent of (US Defence Secretary) Rumfield's famous speech about things we know, don't know, don't know we don't know, etc etc!.etc!.
When I was at college I was taught human knowledge was rather like a balloon - in the sense that as our brains (like a balloon) are filled with more and more facts/information, etc - the more the outer skin expands into or appreciates the unknown!. Which I assume is the point you are making!.
Natural curiosity would seem to drive us to know more - but there comes a time of TMI (too much information) - when we settle for what we do know - and worry less about what we don't!.
So no - you're not wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge can be likened to medicine!. Confusion creates ignorance and fearfulness in man!. Understanding cures and dispels this confusion!. As with medicinal remedies the correct cure in precise measured doses is required to cure the person’s malady!.

If incorrect medicine, dispensed by an incompetent practitioner is given to the seeker of peace, it not only can be greatly injurious but exacerbate any symptoms, worsen the condition, and create horrendous side effects in addition to a hardening of the immunity to any further attempts at medicinal cure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Err very confusing question but I think I get the crux of it!. For me I don't like not knowing!.!.!. It makes me feel ignorant!. I like to form opinions but I form them based on evidence, gut instinct and knowledge!. I like to form opinions that are informed!. So I want to KNOW things, so I can come to my own conclusions and form my own opinions!. I think knowledge is power!.!.!. and wisdom!. I also like to have my brain stimulated and feel challenged / stimulated mentally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We know everything already!. We were born with all knowledge, like God!. We remember things rather than learn them!. For example a baby would know to hold its breathe under water, without being taught!. Therefore we dont want to know what we dont know, cause there is nothing that we dont know!. We know everything!. ;]Www@QuestionHome@Com

You say:
"!.!.the remaining unknown becomes less attractive!.!."

How can it be either attractive or repellent since the quality of being unknown precludes any judgement on it's nature!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

because the unknown is always more firghtening than the reality
its an insitinct to feel safe
so then its an instinct to understand or try to understandWww@QuestionHome@Com

What I want to know is what can we know and is what we think we know really knowledge!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

To explore the unknown is our innate nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humans are to patterns what cats are to mice!. Why do cats catch mice!? Why do human seek order!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know if i truly follow your philosophy but i would say it would be out of human curiosityWww@QuestionHome@Com

curiosity killed the cat !. good thing we are not cats !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because other people don't want us to know it!.
Knowledge would have only a mild attraction if it were not forbidden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm i would try to help or tell u what u might want to hear but then i have no clue wat u r talking aboutWww@QuestionHome@Com

You made my head hurt!!!!!! haven't you got a stupid question we can all answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it is solely what we know that gives us realisations that there is some knowledge still to be had, or in simple words I see things and know about them with the help of the things I have already seen and with the knowledge I already have, and then I am able to see ever so farther as my knowledge keeps growing, as with my knowledge also grows my realisation of how little I know!.

Then the body of knowledge in our mind in its simplistic form is like a jigsaw puzzle, the only difference is that a jigsaw puzzle has an end but there is no end to knowing!. Then as we pit first few pieces of the puzzle in place it starts to guide us along and further we develop into the puzzle the easier it get for us to know what kind of pieces are missing, and what pieces are in place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've come across an author (forgot the name) who said!.!.!.

"True knowledge is to know that you know what you know and to know that you do not know what you do not know!." It may sound like a pun but is not!. Look at it closer, internalize the words!.!.!. you can find yourself agreeing to such, right!?

This is my version!. As humans, we thirst for knowledge, We are never satisfied because life is dynamic and is as complicated as it could get!. Knowing that you know things you know, lets you be able to know the things which you do not know yet and therefore, compels you to seek about it more!. Just like school!. You don't want to learn all about ABCs always because you grow and you want more!. From knowing your ABCs you realized that there's more to it, so you explore!. In so doing you found outt that there's a lot more to know, things that you do not know yet!. So, you focus on these things, the ones you do not know because you already lost interest to things you've known!.

Why do we want to know things that we don't know!? because it is in our innate nature to seek answers, to find more, to be satisfied, to gain knowledge, to develop wisdom, to discover, to learn, to know!Www@QuestionHome@Com