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Position:Home>Philosophy> What will life in future?

Question: What will life in future!?
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Well it depends on how far into the future you wish to go!. Starting next year when Obama gets elected and I think he will, unfortuantly because the people will start raiseing cain and going batty over the outragous gas prices the low wages and the lack of good paying jobs!. He will probably institute a state of emegency and arrest everyone that starts complaining!. There will be doughts, famine, and people will start stealing anything that is not tied down!. The troops will be recalled to deal with the problems of our country!. The troop's paychecks will start bouncing and they will quit and start moving to Canada!. The U!.S!. will be a wasteland!. Anyone with any sense will leave!. Some people will not be able to because of finances!. If you don't have a comune to live in you won't be abe to make it on your own Colleges will be worthless and colleges will close!.

2012 After a dismal four years Obama will eventually tick off someone that has nuclear weapons and Civilization will cease to exsist!. There might be a few scattered people, but most people will die out!. And there will not be enough people to keep a healthy population going!. Horrible disfigured babies will be born and the ones that don't die will die eventually!.

2039 the people that didn't get wiped out will get wiped out when the asteroid apothisis crashes into the earth!. The earth may or may not be destroyed by it but no one will be left!.

Several billion years the Earth will be swallowed by the sun and nothing will matter because we'll all be dead anyway!.

Ok here's an optimistic version of the future that probably won't happen, but I'd rather think about!. Well the corporations that had been sucking us dry for all these years will suddenly have a hange of heart because they will realize that they can not exsist without us!. They will put in large monorail systems have hydroelecrtic plants!. Solar and wind plants!. Everything will be green and the people will start working together and profit will be the thing of the past because if we all can be fed and work together why would we have to have the misery of profit if we can have anything we want or borrow it for a short time and learn to share the future would be great!. The problem is convinceing the rest of the 300 billion people in the world to work together in stead of for individual power or profit!. The world is what we make it and right now we have made it very bleak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably be just machines!. We have started to create a form of intelligence not reliant on biological processes!. When that is perfected, we will pretty much be done!.

Vivianna you are sooo funny!. You think we really have four years until Armageddon!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Imagine a person nodding at a drive-thru intercom when the employee asks them whether it's "for here or to go" in an eternal loop forever and ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hopefully something better than the presentWww@QuestionHome@Com

ummm!.!.!.!. im hoping tht itz funner than now!.!.!.!. n i'll b in college in a year!.!.!.!.!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com