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Position:Home>Philosophy> I FEEL my self awfully depressed and desparate. can't find out why!?

Question: I FEEL my self awfully depressed and desparate!. can't find out why!!?
i don't know what to do, to overcome such a feeling!!!
need your helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That is only passing!.!.
That feelings will come to pass!.
When it attacks, just try to relax and talk with some good friend!.
Take some deeper breath and refill your body with new air!.
Take some good and natural tea!.
Make some nice stretchings,
Go for window shopping with someone!.!.or
just simply come here and write your thoughts!.!.
Cheer up! You had already made my day to answer this!. It was a great chance! Thanks!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might be clinically depressed!. Maybe go to a shrink and talk to em, don't feel weird about it or anything either because most everyone is seeing a shrink these days!. There's nothing wrong with being clinically depressed either, lots of people are and getting medication helps most of them out!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're not alone!.!.!.and it's not always easy to overcome these feelings!.
Sometimes a break in routine helps!.!.!.to go out of your way to do something different!.
I find too that writing down what's on my mind helps puts things into perspective!.
Talk it out with friends!.!.!.again it will help you gain perspective!.
Go see a physician for a medical!. You may have an underlying condition that is dragging you down!. You may also need some form of therapy!.
Remember that there is nothing shameful in feeling this way!.
There's nothing shameful in getting help!.
The only shame is that you aren't enjoying life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depression or dread were subjects that Soren Kierkegaard like to write about as an early developer of the philosophy of existentialism!. But it probably would not help you to read his works!. Your problem is psychological and not philosophical!.

Clearly you need to change something or several things in your life!. But what!?

Turn the discovery of what will make you happy into an adventure and you are the explorer who is exploring this uncharted territory!. Even depression can be exciting!.

But, to be on the safe side, you might also want to check with your doctor to see if there is any obvious medical reason for your depression!. I'm not suggesting that taking "happy pills" is the answer but you need to understand that there is a way out of your dilemma!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone feels depressed sometimes!. Just take a moment to think about the positives in your life!. Go out in the sun (it may sound odd but it seriously helps)!. Don't dwell on misfortune, just assume that it was ment to make you stronger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There has to be a reason or reasons to have a feeling of depression and anxiety cause for feeling desperate!.If you cant find any cause and life is okay, then please visit a doctor who can check for any depression related disease!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Connect into a spirtitual and religious realm, become close to God and you will surely not feel lonely!. It works for eeveryone who tries!. And I am serious there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

watch a lot of tv and masturbate!.

OR go to a psychiatrist

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