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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does it mean to be fully educated?

Question: What does it mean to be fully educated!?
some people claim that simply because they went to college and got a ph!.d they know everything and are better then everyone else!. But even if you were to spend you WHOLE LIFE in college you wouldn't know it all!. do you agree that no matter how much you learn you will to a certain extent, always be ignorant and I do not mean this in a offensive way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's very true!. Nobody knows everything!. "Fully Educated" would have to be followed by "in [Subject]", meaning that you've completed the required coursework to earn a college degree in that subject!. But most subjects are ever-changing!.!.!. so it's basically impossible!.

People who go to these liberal colleges think that once they graduate, they are better than the rest of the world!.!.!. they're horribly mistaken!. I myself have completed college, but know that I pale in comparison to some of the greater minds we have today!. I may be able to tell you everything, to the last detail, about telecommunications, but when it comes to knowing how to run an accounting department, I would be clueless!. Knowledge is relative, not definitive!.

People will always be ignorant, and will always think they are better than the next person!.!.!. especially the students that come out of these liberal colleges, where they are taught incorrect information!. I believe it was Purdue(could be wrong) that they ammended their campus constitution to say that they didn't have to teach the TRUTH!. How ridiculous is that!? It's a sad, sad world we live in!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is your definitive answer: You never stop learning!. When you stop learning, you are dead!. You tell those people that if they feel they are smart enough to stop learning, that they might as well be dead!. You can learn more from Life than from any college!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's impossible to be 'fully educated!.' There is always more to learn, no matter how much you think you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of our greatest thinkers once said " The only thing getting in the way of my learning, is my education!." Albert Einstein!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me, my goal, is to be open to new truths!. To not allow my old truths to confine me so much that I can't grow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com