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Question: If you could see the future!?
If you could know the exact moment in time that you would die, would you want to!? If yes what would you do differently now that you havent done before!? Why on both questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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ok!.!.!. if I knew the exact moment I would die, cool! i am Wiccan, and I would make all my crochet!.knitted stuff b4 I died, cuz not many ppl like to knit/crochet like I do, and I would tell all my friends and family I was going on my death journey, and then I would be happy and at peace!. to quote a late,famous person, I will say this: "I look at death differently,i feel good about dying!.!.!.!.!." As a Wiccan, I believe in reincarnation, so I will just come back again and again!.
Now for the second part: what would I change!?!?!? I would not have been able to have the STILL SAD under my name, cuz I would have done something VERY different, and if the outcome were the same, then I would know that I ,at least,TRIED my best, rather than not do anything at all ( which is what I did do)!.!.!. I will never get out from under of that guilt, that maybe I could have changed some of what happened, that I may have been able to buy him ( Heath Ledger) some more time!.!.!. What was it!?!?!? I would have notified authorities that heath Ledger needed to go to the hospital, and that he was very sick, and if he did not recieve IMMEDIATE medical attention, he was going to die,on Jan!. 22, THAT'S what I would have done differently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ever heard the one that says - A coward dies a thousand deaths!.

Well I would not like to know what is in my future, cause I would be so much worried about dieing say within a month, that I'd worry myself to death every day, and not live a single one of those 30 days grace!. If I did not know, I would be living my life without any worries, and die without knowing my time has come, hopefully, in a happy frame of mind!. I'd rather leave this world a lot of happy memories of myself, rather than a month long memories of sickness, hospitals and a morbid sense of waiting for the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would presupposes the future is fixed and cannot be changed!.

"Always in motion is the future!."
-- Yoda, Star Wars

Besides, if you could know the time and manner of your death and sought to change it, how would you know if your efforts could change it or bring it about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I would not want to!. I believe that when your number is up, it is up!. If I knew when that was I may try to change things, which may not necessarily lead me to a better future!. It also might change the future of others, which would be unfair if I had prior knowledge and they did not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, because i would have to live my life thinking of my death!. life is for thinking about life!.

i would listen to my conscience, always, and never do anything i know isn't right, because i would realize how precious life is and that we shouldn't hurt it in any way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would want to, just to be prepared
If i know how long i have to live i would plan everything nicely so that when i leave i leave with no regrets!. Just in case the afterlife DOES exist!. Don't wanna feel regret for an eternity now do you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am going to live forever!.!.!.So far so good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think i'd want to see it, unless you could somehow avoid it!.
also, id be afraid it would be too soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, because part of my ambition is to choose the manner of my demise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com