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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of racism?

Question: What do you think of racism!?
no im not one!. im just asking!.!.are you racist or not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no, Its retarded, discrimination is so unjustWww@QuestionHome@Com

Racism in the usual "bigoted" sense, meaning believing people of one race are worthier than another, is a conditioned belief that's held by people who are very insecure, and is often the source of hideous injustice!. "Racism" in the sense that we do perceive and generalize about superficial differences among the races, and value them differently according to who we are, is universal!. Usually it's negative, sometimes neutral, and occasionally it is positive (sometimes just to acknowledge race and our feelings around it, has a positive effect)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sarah, your question makes no sense (you asked this under philosophy)!. Racism is a negative concept so you can't decide if it is right!. You cannot ask someone their opinion of something that is by nature wrong!. Racist is, by definition, a person with a negative attitude to others, just as sexist or bigot or rapist!. So you can hardly find someone that will say "yes I'm a racist" just as you wont find someone that will say "sure I'm a rapist"!.
The problem with racism is that it points at actions that people do or ideas they have or words they use that in spite of them being part of what they learned in childhood, they are still wrong!. But most people are not aware of having racist attitudes!.
So when you say "no, I'm not one", I would ask you, are you sure!? How do you know!? Because you say so is not enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone has been conditioned to fear what is strange and unrecognizable to their own way!. Racism looks like the out growth of a disrespect for another culture's customs and expressions!.
Some view the 'way' some cultures communicate as loud, obnoxious and aggressive while theirs is polite, articulate and controlled!. With this idea there is a disdain for 'their ways' and this disrespect is focused into dehumanizing the members of the culture in order to lower their position and allow for justification of corporal action like slurs or beatings!. The 'higher' culture feels justified as the actions are only outgrowths of their view that the lower culture is not human an must either be controlled or destroyed!.

Racism is learned and we learn it in school and on TV and in the movies and in books!. Mocking and sneering at the 'way' other cultures do what they do is rammed down our throat constantly!.

I don't really care what culture a person is from!. Some of their ways are strange to me!. Some are shocking to me!. Some are beautiful to me!. Some are ugly to me!.

But then, the same could be said about the things we find in what we call 'nature'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it's a tool that divides people and is used by certain people to get their away or get away with things; by having people of different races blaming each other for the things that they themselves have done wrong!.

Saying no To racism is saying yes to unity and a change for the better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is terrible!. We are currently learning about slavery in school which is a part of racism!. I am from the North and I hate racism!. It is not fair to judge people by their skin color!. I actually came up with this one thing in 3rd grade!. "Black people are just like white people, but with a really dark tan!." Lol!. I like all races!. I am a white!. My parents didn't teach me to hate black people!. Overall, racism is just a terrible thing that shouldn't be spoken or heard of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try not to be but this American society is kinda white-dominated and us Asian minorities are kinda geting discrimated against!.!.!. so sometimes i let go and get a little racist against whites!. I mean, I just wanna have the same rights of getting equally accepted into college and jobs!.
I'm not trying to offend anyone though!. And i dont judge ppl by race but by action!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope thankfully I'm not a racist and I doubt anyone would admit to being a racist!. even racists feel ashamed of themselves so they don't call themselve that so I don't really see the point in asking the question!. I'm not trying to be rude by the way ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I'm not a racist!.

I'll admit, though i have made racist remarks!. But I have nothing against them!. Just stereo typical comments!. But people say racist things about me too!. I don't get offended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Racism is delusionary!.
I have mixed apprehensions!.!. I tend to be peremptorily reactive!.!.!.!.does this other person regard me as friend or foe !.!.what hangups may be there!.!.!.!.!.it's a kind of inverted insecurity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Racism- The belief of one race being better than another!.

Nope I'm not!.

Its not that bad its a belief, which means its not offically true!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People have become too sensitive to the point where there are double standards!.

No, I'm not racist, but I'm not hung up on being 100% politically correct all the time either!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's silly and evidence of lower intelligence!. there are no "races" (except human)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't be too defencive because I have news for you too: Everyone of us brings in his or her heart some degree of racism!. No one is completely free of this nasty emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com