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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are humans happy or do they just follow some hard wired instinct to get on with

Question: Are humans happy or do they just follow some hard wired instinct to get on with it regardless!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
we get used to whatever is
whether it's good or absolutely terrible
and then insist on having it that particular way forever

we'll make every excuse for awful as being right or good (or only possibility anyway)

we never change
once we establish the conditioning to what we get taught to be our level of expectation, then that's it for life

and even if it's painful, we need it !.and keep recreating it!.
it's all because of classical conditioning (look that up)

and I'm saying yes, OH yes-"hard-wired to get on with it regardless"Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know where the wests obsession with happiness comes from!.!.!.!.is it just from the american consititution "in pursuit of happiness"!? or has it come from the industrial revolution and the increase in wealth, lifestyle and consumerism of the west!?
maybe freedom has some part to play!.!.in that the more freedom is realised the more happy one feels!.!.!.!.due to choice and control over ones own destiny
this has come about from a long history of oppression from a small minority of rich and powerful!.!.!.!.
as i say!.!.!.i am not sure what this "happiness" is
and i am more aware of paradox than i am of "what happiness is"
ie!.!.!.the more i pursue happiness!.!.!.!.!.the more it runs away

happiness is random from the word "hap" meaning "luck"Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pursuit of happiness was the laziest thing " FOUNDING FATHERS" could have put in the minds of a young nation!. It might have served some purpose but it has been an unnencessary distraction and has shaped national consciousness significantly!. We think happiness is sorrounding ourselves with material things!. or being with friends, or relatives, or parties, and cruises!. Life works on the priniciple of pleasure and pain!. Accumulate as many pleasurable experiences as possible and avoid as many pains as possible!. But then there is common HUMAN shortsightedness which freud helped bring into popular culture to some extent!. The instant pleasure mentality!. The threshold of Happiness in each and every human being is fixed!.

Helpful book would be Daniel Gilbert's , STUMBLING ON HAPPINESS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me this sounds like!.!.!.are people angry, hungry, sad!.!.!.
It is possible to achieve "clinical" happiness!.
Since nature was so kind and gave us infinite array of feelings I am HAPPY to taste every one of them!. Including sadness, so I can appreciate the true happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

HAPPY!? I wish!

I tend to get on with it (what ever "it" is!? Life, existing, muddling along!?)

I am not an optimist, but even a 1% chance is better than a 0%!. So I keep plodding on, hoping against hope that things will improve, that I will find more significance and meaning!.

You never know how close you are to having a break through, it could be today or tomorrow, so if you quit, you would miss it by a very small margin!. Maybe we are all just deluded fools!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

All humans seek happiness, the only question is whether the form of happiness they are seeking after will actually make them happy!. Greed never makes one happy, but simplicity and virtue always makes one happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How silly would it sound if you asked "are humans angry!?" Happy is an emotion of which most humans are eminently capable!. What could it be that you actually mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Psychologists suggest that happiness largely depends on feeling meaning in life and the object of human life is to discover happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think Happy be happy Think sad, rich, or poor be that wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

we have to get on with it thats lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com