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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is this normal behavior for a teenage boy...I took my 16 year old son to a famil

Question: Is this normal behavior for a teenage boy!.!.!.I took my 16 year old son to a family reunion and I seen him put!?
ice in his cousins (she's 3) underwear,then he slapped her on the but and said "there you go" and laughed,should I be worried about this!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It does seem a little immature for a 16 year old!. Without knowing the relationship your son has to the cousin, it is hard to say if this is worrying or just immaturity (If for example, they see each other often, and he teases her in a friendly way vs!. If this is the first time he met her or he bullies her!.) Her reaction would also be an important factor - if he seriously upset her, then he may be either bullying or else horribly unaware of what is appropriate humor!. If she thought it was funny (or some similar reaction), then it is probably alright!.

Any case like this taken by itself is not likely a cause for worry!. Even if she burst in to tears, it could be that it was just an honest misreading of her on his part or a silly lapse into childish immaturity (even I get these and I'm a mature 24 year old :) ) I would say to be aware of his other behaviors!. If there is something to be worried about (like maybe a sadistic streak), it will likely manifest itself on different occasions!. If he routinely bullies small children and animals, there is definitely something to be worried about; if he otherwise does nothing else, you should give him the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up as a vestige of his childhood immaturity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What do you do when you get bored of playing with a little kid but the kid won't give up!? There are 3 options-
1) Sit there and be climbed all over, put up with the screaming and giggling and ignore it until they get bored!.
2) Use your authority as an adult to tell them to stop!.
3) Play in a rough way that makes them want to stop playing!. I remember being on the recieving end of many an unpleasant bony fingered tickling, certainly worked for me!.

So, imagine you're 16!. Which option do you naturally choose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you should but with tact and family diplomacy!. He is already too old to be doing
this with a 3 year old little girl!. You have to let him know that you do not agree with his behaviour, and would be happy to see him change his attitude!. He is acting like someone younger than 10!. If you don't show
now your displeasure, he will get worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why would he do that!!? Sound funny though but maybe!.!.!. I don't know!.!.!. maybe he just wanted to see what would happen!. Sometimes I wonder about doing something just to see what people would do!.!.!. Like if I jumped up and took my clothes off just to see what everyone did!.!.!.!. interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh let it go!.!.!.can you remember brothers doing that!? Pulling hair, dumping ice down your shirt, chasing you with frogs!.!.!.snakes etc!.!.!.!.your son is fine!. people jump to all kinds of conclusions today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!.
He put the ice in her undies and then slapped her butt to make sure the ice touched bare skin!.
That is how I see things, anyways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

definitely (seriously)Www@QuestionHome@Com