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Question: Stuff happens!?
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Stuff happens!.
You dedicate time, care, and basically your entire self to somebody, only to get bitten in the behind when you can't do it anymore!. When you finally take time to see to your own happiness, you become "selfish"!. That stuff happens!. And it's then you see that the only time that somebody was happy, it was because when you treated them like royalty, it was all about them, and what they wanted!. At the end, you can see that while you thought YOU were the selfish one, it was the one that you just couldn't worship anymore!. You see that it wasn't all your fault, and in fact, may be less your fault than you thought before!. And God help me, I still feel responsible, like everything I did wrong which is equal if not less than her, somehow still amounts more and worse than what she's done!. I'm pathetic, but yet, I just can't help but miss her, after everything!. OK, I'm out!. 'Til later then!.

Ok so"stuff' is actually the S-word and "behind" is actually the A-word!. Comments!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, you want someone's approval so you do a bunch of stuff for them (selfish motive, perfectly okay,) and you decide that this isn't feeding your ego (selfish motive, perfectly okay,) and you stop doing for that other person (whom you have slightly made dependent on you by providing a service!.) so they complain (naturally,) and you want to BLAME them for your behavior!.

How can someone else be responsible for making you "worship" them!? how is that possible!?

In the end, you misjudged your motives and now you have misjudged your ability to deal with taking care of yourself!. What they think or their motives are irrelevant!. You feel responsible because you ARE responsible for your actions!. Who else is going to be if you aren't!?

By the way, you are not pathetic, you don't understand yourself yet, and your behavior was overblown because you didn't have enough self-respect to behave as an equal with someone you cared about!. Next time, treat them how they treat you!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A loving relationship is selfless!. A Mother has a child and it is brought to her room after delivery she looks the child over to see that it is as it should be then she dedicates her life to the welfare of the child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get over it life goes on quit feeling quilty a lot of us are used by someone at times so you played the part of a fool youll get over it keep on plugging and dont look back dont keep on returning to the pastWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jim Croche said it years ago - I can't hang upon no lover's cross for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah stuff happens!. for every action there is a reaction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are bitter, you will get over it!. It's not quite the stuff to make a life philosophy out ofWww@QuestionHome@Com