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Position:Home>Philosophy> What can you tell by the way someone walks?

Question: What can you tell by the way someone walks!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The way people walk reveals their age, their weight, their demeanor in life ie: passive or aggressive, how rushed or busy they are or laid back, if they're in pain with feet, bad shoes, or back, if they are perhaps ill or recovering, etc!.

You can usually tell from a person's walk if they are strutting for show or whether they have genuine self esteem, if they are drunk, if they are excited or weary!. Some people have a 'prowler' kind of walk like they're up to no good; just meandering around, while others are plodding, steady movers like hitchhikers!.
You can't mistake the graceful gait of a Karate Intructor or a dancer, nor the straight, confident and erect walk of a police officer or a military person!. I can see how beaten down a person is when they shyly approach wanting a bit of money while others have no problems gingerly waddling their fat A$$es on the streets with signs saying they're hungry and fishing for fools and quick handouts!.

Some walks are chaotic and poignant; evidence of great struggle just to still be able to walk at all and some walks are the very slow ones to the cemetary seats for a final goodbye!. Some walks are in tight formations, to honor the fallen in last ceremonies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The walk provides two key insights into a person!. First, as a person walks, you can tell if they are male or female!. Sure there are other ways of telling, but if you can see nothing of the face or torso or hair, you can tell if the person is a male or female!. This is due to the way that male and female hips differ!. Given the difference, you can (more times than not) determine if the walk is a male or female!. Second, it displays the confidence of the person!. If you look at where the individuals chin is and where his/her shoulders are relative to their lower body, you can tell what he/she thinks of themselves!. In addition, many men (who have a FALSE sense of confidence) will walk with their arms out away from their body!. In their mind, they think that they HAVE to do it because their arms are SO massive, yet almost ALL of them could actually put their arms to their side as they walked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Erwin W!. Straus once wrote: "confidence and timidity, elation and depression, stability and insecurity -- all are expressed in gait!."

There is something more to stride,
than we wish to share,
or that we wish to sometimes hide!.

I've heard many an angry stride, the echoing memory of the clopping female gait as it somewhat eerily and disturbingly resonates through the hallways of school!. In another time and place, and with someone vastly more attractive, I felt the subtle shift in pace when walking, arm in arm, for the last time before we left each other for years!.

I've seen her walk when she's in love!. It's how I knew she'd soon be gone!. When St!. Exupery writes, "words are the source of misunderstandings," it can help us appreciate how someone's walk can be a kind of pure under-standing, or expression!.

What can you tell by the way someone walks!? Yeah!.!.!.what CAN you tell by the way someone walks!? You can tell all that is there to tell!. It's all too obvious to merely state what can be told (e!.g!. "confidence," "self-concept," "joy," "sadness," etc!.!.!.)!. More to the point, a walk is silent and anything that can be said about it will be precisely that -- something said!. A said!. A done!. A poem finished!. A noun, or, simply put -- prose!. When Emily Dickinson suggests: "the things that concern us most cannot be put into prose," she may have well been speaking of walking!. Through one's walk, we gain access to other's world and share our own as it is lived, and often beyond our control, beyond the prose, and in that motion that is poetry!.

good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if they have a limp, it's a little harder to see if they have arthrightus(excse the spelling)!.

you can tell if they're a chav, if they're arrogant!.if they look down then they may not be very confident, if they look up head high then they may be very confident!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It shows a lot of things but one thing in particular i think it shows what the person feels about themselves ae they walking with confidence or with fear!? For example a chav you can spot a mile off by the way they walk and you can tell they think there it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If they have problems with their legs, back trouble, arthritis, leg pain etc!.!. also from a psychological side do they have a spring in their step or they shuffling along like the weight of the world is on their shoulders!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

How they think of themselves,
Their self esteem,
How their life is going,
Whether they need someone to listen,
If they are going through a rough time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whether they are confident or not as well as if they're happy or not!. I can tell if they are pretty well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you can see something of the person in the walk
yet i'm obviously wrong!.!.!.gordon brown has a gay looking shuufle or jog/walk but he's obviously notWww@QuestionHome@Com

What they've done minutes before!.
Where they are going!.
Whether or not they're walking on legs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Almost as much as I can by looking at facial expressions!. We talk with our entire being and body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mostly how confident and or aggressive s/he feels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

their moods!. but i prefer looking at facial expressionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

If they got laid last night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if they have a dirty diaper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You simply can't!. There are many things to look at!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if they are confindent or nervousWww@QuestionHome@Com